Avon Tips
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Summer has gone and the winter season is quickly approaching.  I'm amazed at how quickly it turned cold where I live!

This means you’re most likely going to be spending money on gifts for the upcoming holiday season that’s quickly approaching.

Avon offers a way to receive 40% off all your holiday shopping AND earn more than $1,000 between now and the end of the year!


What could be better??? And just in time for the holidays!

Ready to get started to Sell Avon??? Just Click Here, fill out a short application, choose your Starter Kit, and just like that you’ll be ready to go!

When you sign up to Sell Avon, Avon provides a KickStart Program that guarantees you 40% earnings during your first 90 days as long as you meet the very achievable sales goals.

The holidays are for family and friends to come together, to eat together, exchange gifts and celebrate each other.

Why get all stressed out because of the additional holiday expenses?


But there’s really no need to worry, because Avon can be the answer to earning that extra money that you need!

As a new Representative, you can earn 40% guaranteed on everything in the Avon brochure – even the items that other Representatives only earn 20% on.

That translates into a 40% discount on all your holiday shopping. And Avon has gifts for every one on your list!

Additionally, what would being able to earn more than $1,000 in your next 90 days do to your financial situation? And there’s no limit – you can earn much more if you want to put in the effort to do so.


Ready to get started to Sell Avon??? Just Click Here, fill out a short application, choose your Starter Kit, and just like that you’ll be ready to go!


When you sign up to Sell Avon, you set your own hours, work from home, and see potential customers whenever you and they are available.

This means you can do it around everything else that’s going on in your life… around your day job, or around your children’s activities, or taking care of your aging parents… or whatever else is keeping you busy!


You got this! And I’m here to help you. Sign up Today!

Enjoy your holiday season and make some extra money without applying for another job. After you make the extra cash, it’s up to you as to whether you stay with Avon.


Although I believe once you try Avon, you’ll be hooked! 


How To Shop Online From A Previous Avon Brochure

You can order from the current Campaign and 2 Campaigns back. You will need the item number and the previous Campaign number to do this. Use the ‘Shop by Product Number’ option on the eStore. For more details, click here —> How To Shop For The Best Price On Avon Products.


Ready to get started as an Avon Representative???

Just Click Here, fill out a short application, choose your Starter Kit, and just like that you’ll be ready to go!




To learn more about the Avon opportunity,
Click Here.

Ready to sign up right now?
Click here to start your Avon journey.

Looking to be an Avon Customer:
Click here to purchase Avon Online

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