When you become an Avon Representative, it is up to you how you want to run your business.
The determining factor as to how much you make will be the amount of effort you put into your business.
A little bit of effort will bring in pocket money or getting your products at a discount. With a lot of effort, you can build a big business. If you’re looking to make lots of money, I strongly suggest that you do all three options below.
When you become an Avon Representative, there are three ways you make money:
- Selling Avon Face-to-Face – There are lots of ways to sell Avon face-to-face… Passing out brochures to your friends and family, taking brochures to work and sharing them with your coworkers, getting out there and meeting new people (like at stores, restaurants, etc.) and passing out brochures, setting up a table or booth at an event, or even going door-to-door.
- Selling Avon Online – You will be given your own Avon eRepresentatives website where you will be able to sell online. You can set it up so that your customer places their order on your website and pays for their order just like any other shopping website, and then Avon ships the products directly to them.
- Starting Your Own Avon Team – You share the Avon opportunity with others and help them build their own business. You are there to mentor and support them as they grow their business, and then you will earn bonus commission from your entire team sales.
The great thing about Avon is you are in control of how you want to build your business. You are also in control of how much money you make because the more effort you put into your business, the more money you will make.
How to Sell Avon From Home
Like many other direct sales and network marketing companies, there are many ways you can build your Avon business. Here are just a few ideas about how you can Sell Avon from Home:
1. Build your Contact list –
Start a list of everyone you know. Who would be interested in Avon (either buying for selling Avon)? Think about your friends, your family, neighbors, co-workers, teachers, people you run into, cell phone contacts, etc.
Then follow up with those contacts. Let them know you’re selling Avon and ask if you can show them the most recent Avon Catalog.
2. Sell Avon Online –
When you become an Avon Representative, you are given your own website that you can use to promote your Avon business to anybody that has an Internet connection. They can shop on your website, and Avon will ship directly to them and send you your commission.
Avon also provides a Social Media Center with tools to promote your Avon business on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and more.
3. Avon Home Parties –
Home parties are a great way to find new loyal customers and network through your friends/family to get introduced to their acquaintances for potential new customers or team members.
Have frequent get-togethers with your friends. Share your favorite products and enjoy building new relationships that could lead to new customers and new Representatives on your team.
4. Avon Events –
There are lots of events where you can setup an Avon table and showcase your products. Whether it’s summertime fairs and expos, or holiday boutiques, there’s always something going on.
Be sure to have samples on hand and do a drawing so you can collect contact information for future follow-up.
5. Fundraisers –
Did you know Avon has great fundraisers? Find local organizations that would be interested in setting up a Fundraiser to help them raise money. Churches and schools are just a couple of examples of organizations that are always looking to raise funds. Even though you may end up donating a majority of your profit to the organization, you will end up with lots of long-term customers. It’s also a great way to get you to the higher earnings levels.
How much do you make Selling Avon from Home?
As an Avon Representative, you will earn 0 – 50% commission based on the size of your order. This applies to all orders within a two-week selling Campaign.
You will earn 20% on the “fixed earnings” products. These are products in the Avon brochure that have a diamond symbol in front of its description, such as purses, clothing, shoes, etc.*
*One Exception to this, there is a Fast Start program which gives you guaranteed 40% earnings on ALL items, even the fixed earnings items for your first 7 campaigns as long as you meet certain, very reasonable, sales requirements. With the Fast Start Program, you can earn $1,010 in your first 90 days!
One of the great things about Avon is that they combine your sales to determine your income. So if you get $200 in online sales, and you place an order for $100, the two are added together and $300 is what determines your commission. In case you’ve looked at Avon before, this is a NEW, exciting commission structure.
Below is the Avon Earnings Chart, which shows you exactly how much you will make:
As your total sales for the year increase and you reach different sales levels, these numbers percentages will also increase for each level.
How much do you make selling Avon Online?
If you want to become an Avon Representative and Sell Avon Online only, you would follow the same steps. The great thing about Avon is that it is your business – you get to choose how you want to work it.
Your commissions will be the same as the above Avon Earnings Chart. Order totals will be combined during each two-week Campaign period to determine your total earnings.
If you are Selling Avon Online only, you will be paid by Avon twice a month via direct deposit for your online commissions once your Avon account balance reaches a credit balance of over $25.
Avon offers tools to help you sell online and to promote your website to all of your social media websites. Avon also gives you a 10% off coupon you can share with all your new customers to get them to visit your website.
Please remember, that like any other business, it takes time and effort to build a large online business. You will need to promote your website to get people to come and look at it.
Get started as an Avon Representative!
Just Click Here, fill out a short application, choose your Starter Kit, and just like that you’ll be ready to go!