I`m pretty disturbed that I logged in this evening to my facebook account see a notification of a post from someone making false claims of their Blogsvertise account being hacked by me. For those who do not know what Blogvertise is, it`s a platform where bloggers go in and can get jobs to get paid to do blog posts for various things. I signed up with Blogsvertise
YEARS ago when they were new and had many opportunities to get paid. Once those opportunities died out and the site began to die out, I moved on. Well, not too long ago I got an email talking about they updated their platform blah blah blah - basically to re-join them. Hey, I need a way to make a living so of course, why not?!
After a lot of guessing of my password, I got in only to see a bunch of blog sites in my account that were not mine with no way to remove them. So I marked them as "Not my blog - please remove" hoping they would get "denied" and added the two blogs I have and went about my business. I never heard back from Blogvertiser nor logged into my account up until tonight. This evening, I got an ugly message in my filtered box from a girl asking why I hacked her account. See the screen shot:
Now, let me say, I can understand being pissed off if you think someone hacked your account. Come on, I would be too, but here`s the conversation and even after trying to explain that I don`t even know how to hack and eventually asking her to remove her post with false information, she refused to do so. See for yourself:
I have contacted support about the matter and have not heard back as of this post. Look, more proof, just to show you guys:
However, I never have, nor do I even know how to "hack" - let alone the time if I`m being honest. First off, I do NOT know how to hack. Would it be a cool thing to know? Yes, no denying that, but I could think of a lot more beneficial uses than to hack a site that has less followers than mine and is honestly, not very interesting at all to me. Second of all, in my own account are blogs that do NOT belong to me and I did not put them there. So clearly I am having the same issue. Meaning, clearly, Blogvertise has an issue on their end. Why this lady feels the name to spread dishonest information about me is beyond me, but I wanted to set the record straight and show you guys the truth. I`m not linking to her blog or page because I`m not going to give her that publicity. However, you can see the information in the screen shots if you want to look it up for yourselves. On a side note, anyone want to teach me how to actually hack?! Just kidding!!