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15th Annual Shoebox for Operation Christmas Child - Give a Little Love - For every one you donate, we donate one as well! Let's help touch the lives of TONS of children this year! You will also get EARLY ACCESS to the Mystery Santa's North Pole Express Bag Pre-Filled With Presents during checkout, which sells out every year! (See video if you want more information on what this is all about.) This is one "DEAL" we ask you to PLEASE share so we can help as many kids as possible!

15th Annual Event! (Yes, we've been doing this even longer than we were officially "ThatDailyDeal!") This is a huge success every year due to the giving nature of our amazing TDD fans. Let's work together to make this year even better! Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.
THIS IS A DONATION! YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE THIS ITEM! Please see the videos to the right, we truly appreciate your participation!
When you make this purchase, a shoe box will be assembled in your honor and donated to Operation Christmas Child. The above picture is an example of what our team will fill the boxes with. An assortment of photos of the completed boxes will be made available once the operation assembly has been completed. Your $5 will be multiplied, as we at TDD will be chipping in extra for every box purchased. On top of that, for every box sponsored, we will MATCH it! Yes, if you donate a box, we will donate a box. If you donate 10 boxes, we will donate 10 boxes! The boxes will be assembled and delivered to a local drop off area.
THANK YOU for your support over the years. Not only for your donations, but for spreading the word to friends and family. If you want to learn more about the organization, you can visit them at Thanks for your consideration and God bless!
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Psst... I frequently post exclusive deals and coupons in my facebook groups Closet of Free Samples Official Deals Group and CFS - 18+ Deals. Be sure to join so you don't miss out!
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