My name is Ashley and I am the writer and owner of Closet Of Free Samples . I am a stay at home wife to a wonderful husband named Eric and the proud mother of Sophia and Jace.Read more about Ashley...
GIFT IDEA: Create Your Own Personal Love Story with LoveBook
LoveBookOnlineis a unique gift idea that unlike anything else. A LoveBook is a hard or soft cover book that lists all the reasons why you love someone.
The LoveBook is created by using our web application at Each book is custom made in hard cover or soft cover (Prices starting at $39 up to $59.95). The user can customize each page with their own personal reason accompanied by a little stick figure illustration. The LoveBook web app provide hundreds of user-generated "LoveReasons" to help fill your book. We also host thousands of different stamp images to help illustrate each page.
This website was created and owned by Ashley & is based in the USA. While sometimes we do have posts that are internationally and worldwide, this is not often. Our target audience is in the USA so please keep this in mind when using this site. Please note that Closet of Free Samples does accept forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions and/or other forms of compensation. Read More →