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This post first appeared on Piping Rock. All content is theirs.

Feeling stuck in life? Like everyone is getting ahead in work, or making more money, but you are the same spot you've always been in? This sense of self-defeat happens to nearly everyone at some point in life. Yet, it isn't healthy, and it isn't necessary. If you're there, and you feel like every move you make is setting you back, today's article should help. Our aim is to redefine the way you see success, and create a new way for you to reach your own version of it.


Stop Thinking Money Equates Success:

Sure, money is a perk that allows us to feel comfortable in our lives. It is a means of security, and a way to ensure we can stay healthy. Yet, too many people are stuck on the concept of chasing money that they forget to appreciate not only the amount they already have, but success they have outside their paycheck. In the insightful article below by Tiny Buddha the concept of what success is gets redefined, and you get the opportunity to learn new pathways for embracing it. In their terms, everyone's success is different. Maybe you're healthier than most your age. Maybe you have a tight knit of long-term friends. These are types of success that other people look up to, because not everyone has them. 


Ignore What Others Are Doing 

Like the point above, you have to cut ties with the idea that you should be where everyone else is. It's easy to compare our situations, and then despair when they don't match up. Life is meant to challenge you, and where one person is now in his life, doesn't mean you won't get there soon, too. By accepting, and embracing the differences among us, and knowing that a situation is only as stagnant as you let it be, you can welcome room for growth. And growth will lead you to personal success, in some form. 


Not Enough? Here's Some Podcasts: 

If you want to dive more into creating your own path for success, you should check out this list of positive psychology podcasts. You can listen while you're commuting to work, or working out at the gym. 


Manifest Success DIY Spray

While your thoughts/actions are what can lead to your success, a bit of helpful smell never hurt anyone, right? Below is the spray that will open your mind, and spirits to possibilities. Place on your body, on your linens, or in your room while you meditate up your wildest dreams!


What You’ll Need:

+ 1 Crystal (Your choice!)

+  Small Spray Bottle 2 fl oz. Glass Amber

+  A Small Plastic Funnel 

+ 4 Drops Lavender 100% Pure Essential Oil

+ 3 Drops Orange Sweet 100% Pure Essential Oil 

+ 1.5 oz. Distilled Water


How To Make:

First, add your crystal to the bottom of your spray bottle. Next, using the funnel, add your 1.5 oz. distilled water. Lastly, drop in your essential oils. Shake together. Use as a room spray when you meditate to keep your spirits open!

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