This post first appeared on Piping Rock. All content is theirs.
After all, who doesn't want a DIY floral wall in their home?
If you own a house, live in a dorm, or rent an apartment, there's one thing that all parties can agree on: bare walls are an eye sore. After all, unless it's brightly painted or wallpapered, chances are it takes away from the aesthetic and overall energy of the room.
Today, we have a plan to get a little crafty, and beat that bare wall once and for all! The way we'll do that is with a DIY floral wall. This quick, easy project can be completed on a Saturday when you're lounging around at home. Plus, it only costs about $10, so your home decor budget won't suffer.
Oh, and we should mention one other perk: We use essential oils so this floral wall, will actually smell like flowers. Raise your hand virtually if you're excited! (Good, we knew you were).
Throw on your crafty pants and let's get to it!
Here's What You'll Need
Here Are The Steps
Step 1: Gather Your Items
Step 2: Cut Twine To Measure Desired Length (Do this for 6-10 pieces)
Step 3: Remove the flowers from the leaf base
Step 4: Lay the twine flat and place the flowers an even distance apart
Step 5: Hot glue the flowers to the twine. Add 2 Drops of desired essential oil to each flower.
Step 6: Once dry, hang the floral twine strands up, placing them about 2 inches from each other.