Do you like reading fun facts?! Well, you’re in luck because here we have decided to start posting them daily!
A wise man once said, “Learn something new every day.” We might not know a lot about the world yet compared to how much is out there, but we always discover new things about it. What’s useless info to some is, to others, cool, amazing fun facts that make the world a stimulating and awe-inspiring place. Are you one of those people who love collecting unexpected pieces of knowledge? If so, prepare to have your mind blown with these interesting fun facts that will amaze adults and kids alike.
Definition of fact:
. something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact. something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists gather facts about plant growth. Enjoy reading interesting facts?
You can see previously posted daily fun facts here.
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Diamonds are neither rare nor valuable. In one of the most successful ad campaigns of all time, De Beers claimed men should spend one month's salary on a diamond ring. Then they raised their prices, restricted their supply, and created an illusion that generations of people still believe to be a mandatory part of the marriage process.
Speaking of diamonds, check these products out:
A truly breathtaking and unique diamond engagement ring, the 3/4 carat three stone princess-cut floret design diamond ring is reminiscent of the Victorian age, yet with a beautiful, modern flair. The floret ring is set with three princess cut center stones with six round side stones set in 14k solid white gold. Also available in 18k white gold or platinum (please add 5-7 days to shipping time for 18k or platinum).
This patterned Eternity Band showcases baguette shaped gems alternated with round diamonds, all held in classic bar settings that make this piece a bohemian twist on an all time classic.
Melissa McCarthy's character in Paul Feig's Bridesmaids (2011) was inspired by celebrity chew Guy Fieri, who turns fifty-five years old on Sunday (today).
Just Gorgeous! 72Styles® Infinity Dress is the elegant dress suitable for every occasion. Made from a stretch fabric to guarantee the perfect fit! Suitable for Plus Size, Maternity figures and Petite. Go on and choose your size and color today.