Telegram is a messaging platform that helps Closetsamples notify members instantly whenever a hot deal, freebie, sweepstakes, or special offer pops up! Never miss a hot deal again! You can opt to be notified of alerts whenever there’s a new hot post.
Currently, I am sharing Amazon deals, Amazon coupon codes, and other limited-time offers that are NOT being shared to my other social media! So you will not be getting duplicate content, but EXCLUSIVE limited-time offers!
Here’s how to follow Closetsamples on Telegram…
- Download the Telegram App on your phone
- Once set up, CLICK HERE to join the Official Closet of Free Samples Telegram Channel! Make sure notifications are turned ON within the app if you want notifications whenever there’s something new posted there!
- That’s it! Looking forward to seeing you all there!
This is just an additional way to follow Closet of Free Samples! I highly recommend joining so that way you NEVER miss a HOT freebie, sweepstakes, or deal. You’ll only receive alerts to the hottest posts, so you won’t get too many notifications.
So, a brief recap of the benefits of joining my Telegram:
☑️If you don't like getting a ton of notifications, THAT'S OK! You can 'mute' the channel so you can still see you missed new posts, but not get the notification. This keeps things from being overwhelming!
☑️The benefit of Telegram is an alternative to using other social media channels in general. I have to limit how much and what is posted on Facebook. Telegram does not have this limitation.
☑️Telegram is FREE! So you have nothing to worry about. You can also keep your contact information private. Once you sign up you can select for only the people you add as your contacts to have your contact info.
❌I am currently not posting my blog posts through Telegram. There are a few exceptions, but mostly these go straight to the deal itself.