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NTA Nationwide Testing Association Test Programs Vital To Workplace guest closetsamples
Illicit drug abuse is harmful to the individual, but it is particularly detrimental on the job front. The productivity level not only decreases along with the company’s bottom line, but it puts the employee and their coworkers in danger. Depending on the industry, fatalities are a genuine possibility.
Fortunately, there are programs like NTA Testing for employers to take advantage of to test staff for illicit drug use in an effort to develop a safe work environment. Companies use third-party organizations like the Nationwide Testing Association to ensure a fair, impartial, and confidential test for each business member.
The goal is to maintain the optimum dignity and respect for each staff member and create an environment of privacy. Results are discreet between the employee and the manager. Positive outcomes must have an initial opportunity for explanation and potential for retest due to the many variables for that result.

Why Drug Testing Programs Are Vital

Drug testing programs like those offered by Nationwide Testing Association are vital for companies and their staff. Illicit drug abuse is a growing concern problem as stresses and anxiety increase in society. In order to cope, people turn to substances like drugs or alcohol.
These affect the person and everyone around them, including their place of employment, where it can be hazardous. Fatalities occur in many instances in specific industries due to the growing problem. Because of this, businesses turn to test programs in a strategic effort to create a drug-free work environment. Open for details on the importance of screenings. Reasons these tests are necessary include:

** Overall Safety Of The Employee And The Coworkers

Whether you go to work high or from the after-effects of being high, you will be running on impaired judgment risking your and everyone else’s safety. That can be particularly dangerous in specific industries where fatality can result, especially in construction.
Statistics show that almost half of on-the-job accidents result from substance abuse, something businesses are attempting to handle. In doing so, not only is the job performance better, but the person’s overall life dramatically improves.

** The Performance And Productivity Grossly Suffers

Under the influence of substances, a staff member has little ability to focus on their duties, with many concentrating more on their problem instead of productivity. Either the tasks don’t get finished or finish incorrectly. Often when there is no focus, those working with the person can be put in danger depending on the type of work at hand.
When employers notice workers who might be distracted or lack performance, a random drug test is beneficial in determining if there’s an underlying problem that could be putting them and those around them in harm’s way.
If there is an issue, the manager can take steps to get help for the member so that they can come back better and ready to perform, but most of all, help them on a personal level.

** Reducing The Chances For Turnover

When a company engages in pre-employment drug testing, the goal is to hire individuals that meet the standards set by the business policies and procedures, including the drug-free strategy. No employer wants to let go of a relatively new recruit a mere short period after hiring.
The time, effort, and expense of training someone are intensive, plus it’s not a good presentation for a company to have a high turnover rate. Clients want to see businesses with long-term employees on staff. With pre-employment testing, leaders can ensure they hold onto valuable people for the duration.
Something an employer needs to remember is to advise potential hires if there will be random testing. Some people might not want to work for a company that employs these tests, and they should have that choice before they commit to the job. That can also benefit the business because it will further increase the likelihood of a drug-free workplace.
NTA Nationwide Testing Association Test Programs Vital To Workplace guest closetsamples 2

** Missed Time / Insurance Costs / Other Losses

A company has the potential to lose substantial costs with someone who is abusing substances. Not only is there the possibility for productivity to decrease, meaning missing deadlines and lost profits. That’s also the result of consistent attendance issues. When work is sitting with no one completing the projects, there are no payments received.
There are increased visits to medical providers for illnesses, injuries, accidents due to the use. Employers lose substantial costs in health insurance premiums, not to mention expenses to do work-related accidents and injuries. Testing programs allow businesses to reduce budgetary expenses in these areas.
Some companies have an issue with staff theft due to severe addictions and desperation for money to satisfy their need. When a leader finds the problem, the ideal situation would be to test the individual, get them the help they need, and allow them to return to work.
Unfortunately, in most situations, these employees are let go due to the severity of the infraction. It’s essential to think about that before taking that step as a member of the staff. You might get help for the addiction and return to work if you don’t take that misstep.

Final Thought

Programs like those offered by Nationwide Testing Association allow companies to test candidates on a pre-employment basis so that they can hire those who will help them achieve a drug-free environment. That’s the way companies are strategizing to eliminate hazards on the job, accidents, and injuries, and worse, the possibility of fatalities. Find out what the pre-employment screening tests include at
More businesses are also incorporating random tests to ensure the workplace remains safe. The only thing to ensure is that recruits be aware of this before they take the job in case anyone would prefer to avoid a job requiring these. That also helps an employer maintain a space free of substances. These tests actually mean to help both the employer but, most specifically, the employee. If you have a problem, these are an incentive to get the help you need.
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