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Brown Wooden Rod and Purple Yarn Ball Beside White Braided Cloth

Winter is fast approaching and the temperature is starting to drop. But, it’s not all doom and gloom. The fall, winter and even the spring bring plenty of opportunities to get out and explore nature; something that can be too hot to do in the main summer.

Of course, the weather is cooler which is why you need to have the right gear to keep you warm. Knitting your own mittens is a great way to get a unique and personal hand warmer; but you need to make sure the mittens really will keep your hands warm.

Here are a few tips to ensure this is the case:

1. Use The Right Yarn

There are many different types of yarn on offer and they can all be used to create cool and funky mittens. Just take a look at the range offered by theaussieknittingco.com to see the sheer array of different colors and materials available.

However, if you’re looking to make mittens and want to keep your hands warm then you need to use wool. This is the thickest and best insulating of all the types of yarn; helping your hands to stay warm even when it’s freezing outside.


2. The Stitches

If you look at most knitting patterns, especially the creations of new knitters; you’ll note that the stitches are generally loose. This makes it quicker and easier to create the size item you want but it will make the finished product with relatively large holes.

To make warm mittens you need to reduce the size of these holes; this means reducing the size of your needles and the stitch.


3. Double It

This doesn’t mean knitting a mitten inside a mitten although this would help to keep your hand warm!  It actually means doubling the yarn as you hold it. Every stitch will be twice the size as it is made of two bits of yarn.

You’ll knit the pattern as normal but the double yarn will enable you to create the mittens faster and for them to be warmer.


4. Add Felt

You can use felted wool or stitch felt into the inside of your mittens. Felt is a great insulator and will keep the wind from affecting your hands.

Of course this type of fabric is relatively stiff so suits a mitten perfectly; it would be much more difficult to add it to gloves.


5. Stranded Fabric

The final idea is to use stranded color work. This will create yarn inside the mittens; in the manner of a floating yarn. The floating yarn will provide protection from the wind and the rain. In effect it is a lining to the mitten, blocking up the holes in your knitting while creating an air pocket which will help to keep your hands warm.

Te beauty of this approach is that you’ll be using several colors and can add any pattern or motif you like onto your mittens. That’s going to make them extremely personal.

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