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Is Glycerin Bad For Lash Extensions / If your lash extensions are not done  by someone who knows what they're doing, you can end up with broken lashes.
Do you also wish to wake up with long, curled eyelashes without having to dab three to four layers of mascara every morning? Eyelash extensions are the answer. We bet you must have heard about the lash extension treatment and all the suss around it. Starting from annoying rumours to scary facts, let us debunk all your eyelash extension myths and pave the way for beautiful, curled, and long lashes.
Myth 1: Eyelash extensions damage your natural lashes
Fact: False; the extensions do not damage your natural lashes if applied correctly and by a trained professional. Applying eyelash extensions is not the same as applying false eyelashes. It requires much more expertise and knowledge. Find a trained eyelash professional near you, do some research about their work, ask them some questions, and if everything is excellent, then your natural eyelashes don't need to worry.
Myth 2: Eyelash extension last for six weeks
Fact: False. On average, you shed up to three to five natural lashes daily. Since the extensions are glued to your natural eyelashes, the lifeline of your extensions will also be the same. You'll need a refilling to be done after 2-3 weeks to make up for the shed lashes.
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Myth 3: The extension glue cause irritation to your eyes
Fact: False, the extensions are applied to your lashes so that the glue doesn't touch your skin or your eyes. They are grafted on top of your lashes. Of course, the glue takes 24-hours to dry, and you need to avoid touching your eyes during that period. Once the glue dries, you won't even feel that there is something glued to your eyes, and you are ready to show off your fabulous eyes.
Myth 4: Application of extensions is a painful process
Fact: False. The application of extensions is not at all hurtful. Cotton pads are placed under your eyes which gives a soothing and relaxed feeling. The lash professional then applies glue on each of your eyelashes and gently glues the extension. It is a 90-120-minute procedure that usually goes smoothly. Most clients usually take this time to relax and resonate.
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Myth 5: Extensions are not customizable
Fact: False. Eyelash extensions are customizable according to your preferences and the characteristics of your natural lashes. Usually, the extensions have to be cut according to the length of your natural lashes. Your extensions cannot be more than double your natural lashes.
Myth 6: You cannot wash your extensions
Fact: False. Twenty-four hours after application, you cannot wash your extensions. But after that, we encourage washing your lashes. Keeping your lashes clean and make-up-free is crucial. Else it will result in clogging of grit and dirt because of glue. Use an oil-free cleanser to clean your lashes.
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Myth 7: Eyelash extensions are not for every occasion
Fact: False. Your beautiful self deserves long, gorgeous lashes every day and not only for special occasions. It is proven that long lashes make your eyes look bigger. Waking up without any makeup and seeing your long lashes is every girl's fantasy. Moreover, going through applying sticky false lash glue is another reason to get lash extensions. Learn all about lash extension and lash extension kit here.
Myth 8: Eyelash Extensions can be peeled off anytime
Fact: False. Eyelash extensions are different from falsies. You cannot peel it off as and when you want as it may damage your hair follicles. In 4-6 weeks, as your natural eyelashes grow out, the extensions will shed automatically. For the remaining ones, you can visit your lash professional for a refill or a removal session.
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Myth 9: Keep your hands off your extensions
Fact: False. It would help if you didn't play or prick your extensions, but you need to brush and clean your extensions. Regular brushing is recommended to avoid tangling of the extensions. If your eyes hurt while brushing, then your lashes have not been appropriately applied, or there is excess glue, and you need to visit your lash professional to get it corrected.
Myth 10: Extensions look fake
Fact: Extensions come in various types, such as mink, silk, and synthetic. If chosen correctly, and curled and cut according to your natural lashes, then your extensions will look as good as your original set of lashes. Even after the application, if you don't maintain your extensions correctly, they will look frazzled. As mentioned earlier, you need to brush your lashes regularly.


Okay, so we've given you a lot to think about before and after getting those extensions. Consider the cost, the application, the procedure, the after-care, and be fully informed before diving into this or any other procedure on your body. We won't lie to you, but it looks pretty and feels fantastic to jump out of bed knowing that your eyes are ready to slay!
Written by Khushi Bokadia,
Content Writer,
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