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Are you feeling tired, drained and irritable? Do you want nothing else but to curl up in bed and take a nap after a hard day at work? Is stress getting to you hard? Well, all of these issues can be alleviated with running! Of course, when you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, running might be the furthest thing from your mind, but once you actually get out there and finish your first run (no matter how short) you will feel amazing. What else can running do for you? Take a look. 

It will improve your health

Running can do wonders for your physical health. It burns a lot of calories so you’ll maintain a healthy weight, but that’s not all. Running also boosts cardiovascular health, protects your bones from osteoporosis and helps you keep your diabetes in check. From controlling blood pressure to preventing mental decline, running will keep you healthy for many, many years. 

You will eat better

As you get more serious about your runs, you will notice that pizza and fries just aren’t good enough fuel for your sessions. Most runners naturally start gravitating towards healthier foods, more protein and less processed foods. Of course, an occasional post-run treat will sometimes be just what you need and that’s a-okay! 

It can help improve your mental health

If you just had a rough day, running will clear your mind and help you recover mentally. Running is a great stress-relief strategy, but it can also help with feelings of depression, especially when combined with proper therapy. And you can expect to sleep like a baby—sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on your mental health. 

It can make you happier

Ever heard of the “runner’s high”? Well, it’s a real thing and it feels awesome. After some running, many people experience a rush of endorphins that can fix your mood and brighten up your day. Another thing that will make you happy about running is the price. This sport is very inexpensive—all you need are some shoes and light clothing and you’re ready. If you’re a beginner confused about gear, you might want to check it here and you’ll find plenty of great suggestions. So, grab something you like and hit the pavement.

It will improve your focus

If you feel like you need some focus in your life, running might help there too. It helps you learn quicker and process info better. Due to a higher level of cortisol, you can improve your memory and information retention. You'll be healthy, fit and smart! 

It can make you more responsible 

If you promise your friend you’ll show up for your run, you need to hold yourself accountable. You will also need to stick to your workout plan if you want to improve. All of these will train you to be more responsible in other spheres of your life as well. 

You will meet new people

While some people choose to run alone, you can always join a running group or grab your friend and make it a fun activity for two. If you’re new in the city or just want to make your circle of friends a little bigger, many people recommend running as the best activity for meeting new, like minded people. 
A balanced approach to running can ensure this activity stays a part of your life deep into your senior years. Sure, you might need to lower your tempo as you age or even turn to fast walking, but the speed is not important here. What’s important is that you’re staying active and healthy. All in all, no other activity will give you back as much as running, so put on your fave shoes, grab your earphones and start running today! 
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