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Have you ever considered what is in your tap water? If you haven’t then it’s time you did. Although the water board tests the water regularly; this doesn’t mean it is as safe as you think it is.

It’s time to find out what is in your tap water and how you can make it safe to drink.


Chemicals In Water

The water treatment works takes the water they have and puts it through a massive filter. This effectively removes large debris and the majority of small debris. This is necessary as the water can have picked up all sorts of contaminants on its journey to the reservoir.

Some of these contaminants can also be diseases and bugs which are hazardous to human health. The water body deals with these by adding chemicals to the water which will kill the bacteria and ensure the water is safe to drink.

However, while the bacteria have been destroyed the chemicals themselves can be an issue.

Chlorine is an extremely effective chemical at killing debris but it also has a few negative effects on human health. In its gaseous form chlorine is known to create respiratory issues including a fluid buildup in the lungs.

Drinking it in the water can cause throat irritation as well as irritating your eyes and skin. It is of particular to anyone with asthma.

The other chemical that should concern you is fluoride. This is added to the water because research shows that it can boost the strength of your dental enamel and even help support bone growth.

However, what the research doesn’t show you is that fluoride can bring its own issues to the table. These include increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease and even potentially affecting fertility.

Although it may benefit your teeth this one chemical you’ll probably prefer to live without.



As well as chemicals in your water there will be fresh debris picked up after the water treatment works. This will simply be small pieces of the inside of the pipes and joins. You don’t really want to digest these as they may never leave your system.

Alongside this, the smallest of splits in the miles of pipework can allow bacteria into your water supply; which could be potentially deadly.


Making It Safe To Drink

The easiest way to ensure you are drinking chemical free, clean water is to fit an under sink water filter. This fits into your supply line under the sink and then feeds to a specific tap. The designated tap will provide you with water that has been filtered and is clean to use.

It’s advisable to use this tap for drinking water and washing your food.

You should also be aware that you can get whole house filter systems which clean all the water entering your home, but these are more expensive.

You can boil your water instead but this is the easiest and most cost-effective solution that gives you complete peace of mind.

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