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With some economic difficulties going on right now, many of us are looking for ways to cut back on our expenses as much as possible. Well, except if you’re ultra-rich and spending a thousand bucks doesn’t really bother you—you feel like you’re only spending coins over some candies. But hey, even the well-off are busy looking for ways to make their choices more budget-friendly yet something that best adheres to their preferences and needs.
“I really need that coat for my next winter travel though. And oh! I can’t resist that nice pair of boots! I also need that new telephoto lens for my birdwatching this weekend. And before I forget, I’ve also switched on to a healthier lifestyle so I’m buying myself a blender for my smoothies.”
We totally understand that it’s difficult sometimes to spend less. Just when you promised yourself that once in for all you’ll save more money, you realized that there are way too many things you “need” to buy. You know what’s going to happen next: a shopping spree. Are there effective ways you can save though?

1. Categorize your wish list from non-negotiables down to the less important items.

We are all guilty of buying on impulse sometimes. If not, most of the time. Sometimes, it’s useful because that particular item you’ve bought on impulse is something you truly love and you’re able to use it most of the time. The downside, however, is when you felt like you needed something but now, that purchase is just there sitting on one corner of your storage room, collecting dust. Bad choice. You might need to review this useful guide on wise money management.
To avoid falling into this trap once and for all, why not sit down and learn the useful process of prioritizing? It’s easy to distinguish whether you really need the items on your wish list or not if you put them under several categories including non-negotiables, can-wait-further and I-don’t-really-need-this-item. You’ll be surprised at how many items you’ll be able to eliminate from your list because you don’t really need them right now. That way, you can be sure that you’re only buying what is urgently needed. You know, the non-negotiables.

2. Look for slightly used items.

If brand new items are too expensive, can you look for a secondhand maybe? This is particularly applicable for the tech needs your job requires. For example, if you’re a professional photographer, you know for sure that your tech requirements are no joke. The prices of some brand-new lenses can be overwhelming—you almost bought a quality used car for the same price!
So, to cut back on your expenses, you might decide to look for used lenses that your co-photographers are selling online. You’ll see that the price difference is huge! Sometimes, you’ll get a gadget half of its original price yet still in a very good condition if you buy it secondhand. After all, some owners are just selling them because they’re left unused or they’re looking to upgrade to the latest model.

3. Scour for discount deals.

Yes, you read that right—scour for discount deals. Search them like a hungry cat hunting for prey. No, seriously, these days, it’s easy to find discount deals, vouchers, and promo codes. Some sites and blogs are even dedicated to providing their readers with those.
Take note, too, that brands and retailers have been partnering with bloggers to promote their products through their posts either on their site or on their social media accounts. So, be on the lookout for those bloggers that work with your favorite brands.

4. Compare your options.

Window shopping is still true when you shop online. There are various options available. So, don’t hurry. Always look for several options. You can even compare both online and offline options. Sometimes, you’ll save more if you buy from the store near you than to have an item shipped overseas or from another region.

5. Check your email for promo alerts.

Many online shopping sites send email alerts for the price drops on your wish list. And that’s another reason why it’s good to wait, especially for the items that you don’t really urgently need right now but you may find useful in the future.


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