Sometimes you spend too much on groceries, even if you earn enough. As a result, you don't have a penny to spend it on a new book, betting, learn more about horse race betting odds
here, or a Netflix subscription.
Make a Grocery List
And not just compile the list but buy food strictly according to the list. No ice cream, unscheduled sweets, and delicacies for no reason.
Of course, it is a matter of conscience and willpower, but who, if not the individual himself, is interested in saving money? The main thing is to start. And if you calculate how much money is saved, this approach will become a habit.
Take Food From the Lower and Upper Shelves
One of the tricks of merchandisers is to place goods at the eye level of customers. It's not hard to guess that the middle shelves are occupied by delicacies, exotic canned goods, and expensive spirits.
So, you should either look up or down. Exceptions can only be made on special occasions!
Check Receipts Without Leaving the Cash Register
Errors do happen. And it is not certain that the vendor makes them on purpose. The error could be the result of a glitch in the software. And an accidental double tap or hitting the wrong number should not be ruled out.
Either way, it's unlikely that the buyer is willing to overpay. Especially when you consider that it's about double-pressing!
When Approaching the Cash Register, Keep Yourself in Check
At the checkout line is the danger zone of spontaneous shopping. There seem to be bargain-priced little things on the shelves, the only problem is that you don't need them. If chocolate bars, gum, nuts, toys, and magazines are on the list? If not, pass them by - everything you need is already in your trolley.
Homemade Foods
Freezing berries, mushrooms, vegetables, fruit, making dumplings, and other tasty things with your hands is a sure way to stay hungry for quite a long time and save money. This approach will reduce visits to the shop. Except in case of an emergency - for salt, cooking oil, and other products that tend to run out at the most inopportune moment.
Not Taking a Child to the Shop
Of course, there are all kinds of situations, such as a grocery shopping trip on the way back from kindergarten or school. But perfectly, it is preferable to replenish your groceries without your child.
For a small child, going to the shop is almost a holiday! Where else can you see so many sweets, cakes, and other tempting goodies? And if it's a holiday, it's a crime not to get "that chocolate bar"!
Using all the tips, you can save a lot of money. It's quite realistic.