“I Have Day Cream Older Than You!”
Many of Avon customers have been asking the very same thing, they’ve been inquiring about the longevity of Avon Products as well as how to find out when their products expire. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the answer then but now I finally have it! After months of looking into this, I finally have the answers you’ve all been waiting for!
It took some doing but after some research, I was able to get a response from an Avon Product Specialist who was able to give me the inside scoop about how long you can expect your Avon products to last and how to find the expiration date on a product. Below you will find all the info I was given. Keep in mind this is only a generalized recommendation. If you have a product that has major discoloration or odor I always say “If in doubt, throw it out!” Most of us have a pretty good idea when we purchase our products and if you can’t remember then maybe it’s been longer than the recommended use time. To make it easier to read I put the information in Question / Answer format. Hope this helps you all out who have been inquiring!
How Long Do Avon Products Last?
When stored properly, most Avon products have a typical shelf life of approximately 3 years. Avon products undergo extensive testing to ensure freshness during storage, shipment, and use by the consumer. Naturally, shelf life can vary depending on storage conditions (e.g, temperature, humidity) and use. So, it’s best to store products in a cool, dry area.
Are Products that are unopened last longer than opened products?
According to the Avon Product Specialist, it seems regardless whether a product is opened or unopened the effectiveness and shelf life is still two to three years.
How Can I Find the Expiration Date on my Avon Product?
The packaging for each Avon skin care, personal care, cosmetic and fragrance product includes a code to indicate the exact manufacturing date. This information varies depending on where the product is manufactured.
To determine the exact date of manufacture, you can ask an Avon Product Specialist. Just call this number 1-800-445-2866 Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 8:30 PM (EST) and have the code located on your product available.
Should I be aware of any products that do not fall into the 3-year rule?
Yes, as mentioned above most Avon products will last up to 3 years whether it’s opened or not opened granted it is stored in a cool dry place. But there are some exceptions as shown below:
Skin Care Expiration Dates
Banishing Cream: 18 months from the manufacture date
Moisture Therapy Moisturizing Lip Treatment SPF 15: 2 years from the manufacture date
Moisture Therapy products: 2 years from the manufacture date
Avon Fragrance Expiration Dates
Avon Bottled fragrances: 2 years from the manufacture date
Fragrance Samples: 1 year from the manufacture date
Avon Personal Care Expiration Dates
Skin-So-Soft Bug Guard Plus Lotions: 18 months from the manufacture date
Skin-So-Soft Bug Guard Plus Pump Sprays: 3 years from the manufacture date
Skin-So-Soft Bug Guard Plus Expedition aerosol: 2 years from the manufacture date
Skin-So-Soft Bug Guard Plus Towelettes: 3 years from the manufacture date
Avon Bar Soaps: 2 years from the manufacture date. Best used within 1 year after opening
Avon Cosmetics Expiration Dates:
Nail enamels: 1 year from the manufacture date (unopened). Best used within 1 year after opening
Felt Tip Eyeliner Pens: 1 year from the manufacture date (unopened). Best used within 1 year after opening.
Avon Mascara: We suggest using immediately after purchasing. Once opened, mascara should be replaced every 3 months.
I hope this was helpful and worth the wait. As mentioned earlier, use common sense and if the product just doesn’t look or smell the way it should toss it out and order a new one from Avon.