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The Book of Revelation Unveiled

The book of Revelation—the last book in the Bible—is, to many people, its most confusing. They find its strange symbols and images puzzling and mysterious. But you can understand it. The book’s very name mean a revealing , a way to gain understanding. Its first verse tells us it was written to reveal “things which must shortly take place.”

If you are confused by the book of Revelation and would like to know what it all means—and how it’s cast of mysterious characters all fit within Bible prophecy—then request the free Bible Study aid booklet  The Book of Revelation Unveiled.

This study aid will take you through the major themes of the book of Revelation helping you to understand what Jesus Christ revealed to the apostle John and how it all fits together. Discover the major trends and future prophetic events that will shape this world—and your life—in the days ahead.


Request your FREE copy today!

The name of the book, Revelation, is a translation of the title in the original New Testament Greek, Apocalypsis—the origin of the other name by which the book is now known, the Apocalypse. The Greek term denotes an unveiling or uncovering—thus, a revelation (p. 3).

Here is the key to understanding the book. Jesus alone can unlock the meaning of its symbols, visions and descriptions…Christ reveals its meaning. He unlocks its seals. But how does He do it? (p. 6).

Most of Revelation—about two thirds of its content—is devoted to the seventh seal. The contents of the first six seals are found in chapter 6 alone (p. 28).

How will the two witnesses and their message be received? (p. 45).

The book of Revelation reveals, from more than one perspective, the emergence of this vast end-time empire governed from a great city God labels “Babylon the great”, the reference here being to Rome (p. 53).

Jesus Christ will return to establish that Kingdom on earth (the Kingdom of God) at His second coming, at last bringing the peace mankind has always longed for but never achieved (p.75).


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