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DIY perfume

This post first appeared on Piping Rock. All content is theirs.

Life can be hectic. Whether it’s going to work, running family errands, or studying in your summer courses…it can seem the pace of each day is fast. We’re sure there are times that 6 p.m. rolls around and it’s hard to remember what exactly happened that day. While it’s great to speed through busy days sometimes, it’s nice to pause and take a breather. Sometimes, it’s even nicer when that breather is in the form of delightfully scented diy perfume with aromatherapy benefits…Wouldn’t you agree?


While scent plays a powerful role in the ability to calm, or tame the mind, there are smaller activities that you can do that will benefit you as well. Below you’ll grab two points of help for times of “I can’t even”, feel free to use them interchangeably!


2 Simple Tips to Breathe Again:

[Stop. Breathe. Think.]

This is a small exercise where you simply stop whatever it is you’re doing for a minute (we know, gasp!) and breathe. It goes as follows:


Take a few deep breathes in, hold them for a few seconds, and then breathe out.

After you have calmed your body down, it’s time to think and reflect on the root cause of what is amplifying your uneasiness. Having a clearer mind will allow you to objectively look at the situation and see areas that may have been overlooked. In a fight with a spouse? Look into the cause of it, it could be something deeper that you’re letting surface over something unrelated.

[Small Meditative Mantra]

We’ve discussed intention setting before, and similar to that, there are meditative mantras to help you when you’re in a less-than-chill state. One that can help reset your mind and relax is as follows:

While breathing in, say: “I breathe in patience”

And on the breath out, say: “I breathe out restlessness”

Then on your second breath in, say: “I breathe in control”

And on this breath out, say: “I breathe out helplessness”

Continue to do this until you feel more at peace and in control. Then, continue with your day.

The Essential Oils

For this on-the-go diy perfume, we’ve chosen some of our favorite summery scents to make you smell like the weather: bright and cheery. Below we've outlined why we chose the scents we did! Each aroma provides its own yummy benefit.


Helps ease the mind when it’s on overdrive.

diy perfume


Sweet and summery, it’ll remind you of carefree times as a child when time wasn’t important and days flowed endlessly.

diy perfume


Encourages deep serenity. Evokes feelings of relaxation and days at the spa.

diy perfume

Girl On-The-Go Floral DIY Perfume:

+ 4 Drops Geranium (Bourbon) 100% Pure Essential Oil

+ 5 Drops Honeysuckle Fragrance Oil

+ 4 Drops Lavender 100% Pure Essential Oil

+ 20 mL Avocado Oil

Roll-On Glass Bottles


To Make:

Add the 20 mL of avocado oil into the glass bottle.

Then slowly add the essential oils.

Shake the bottle to combine.

Apply as needed! Have fun smelling like floral fields on sunny, summer days.


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