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Get acquainted with how to plan an essay understandable to readers and highlights your idea in the most evident and logical way.

The Ultimate Guide to the Perfect Essay Structure

Composing an essay is a quite difficult and much-feared task for many students as it has to meet many requirements: answer different questions, provide information in the needed order and be clear and logical. Professionals of Snappy Essay Writing Services can easily do that but not many students, as well as specialists in custom writing, can. We can lead students through the process of planning splendid papers following the next crucial steps.


Giving answers to topic questions Sounds like a cliché, however, structuring an essay is similar to house building: no one can place the roof or walls without foundation. Introductory and conclusive parts of the paper always remain on their fixed places, yet, the other sections can be shifted as an author needs. For example, background material can appear after the introduction or near the first sentences of the particular section where it is the most contextual. The most efficient way to plan the position of content is to make sure that the sections of the paper provide certain well-rounded answers.


What? question The very first section after the introduction should answer the point what proves that your topic is correct. Take into consideration that it is essential to dedicate no more than one-third of the whole paper.

How? question This point complicates things a bit as here you have to provide a clear vision to the question how your new way of approaching the topic influences the claim. There has to be at least one such section, however, the length and amount of contradictive arguments can call for several How parts.


Why? question This point searches for responses to Why does it matter? You are given a possibility to put wise about the significance of the work and it can be placed at the beginning of the paper as well as at the end (more winning position).


Arranging the essay Map your paper in order to figure out in what sequence and what information to give to rest assured that the reader gets the message right. The most performant way to do that is to write down your ideas in a kind of a map.

• Create a thesis, adding an explanation why it is important (it’s your future answer to Why? question)

• Brainstorm what ideas to give to the reader first to get an introduction to a problem – that’s your What? answer

• Think about arguments and evidence to support them

• Form the introduction and conclusion Points to check Make sure that your paper doesn’t turn into a common descriptive essay.

For example, it is essential to avoid lead off words “first”, “next”, “then”, “also”, in addition” – that makes the essay look like a grocery list. If you want proper leg-up in structuring your paper, you can ask professionals of SnappyEssays to assist you – they will eagerly help you to with planning an essay as well as writing papers from scratch.

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