Cashcrate Tips
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Of all the online money making sites I have joined the one I think I did best with was probably Cash Crate. Cash Crate is an online survey site. They pay you to complete offers and take surveys and such. Now I haven't hit off big on Cash Crate because not too long after I joined them I ended up getting a full time job and didn't need to bust my butt completing offers. Prior to that though I would check often for new offers and complete them as long as they didn't cost any money such as shopping or purchasing type of offers.

Now before you get started with cash crate I would like to recommend some things similar that you may do when signing up for freebies. First I would suggest setting up a separate email account since a lot of this will result into junk and spam mail - or plain old unwanted mail. I love Gmail and I have no problem using my personal account. It's easy for me to access and a lot of the time they do want you to confirm the offer before giving credit so you don't want to submit an email address you never check. Once the offer is credited to your account though you can almost mark those emails as spam or unsubscribe or whatever is necessary.

Next I would suggest using FireFox or a browser that allows "add ons". The reason I suggest this is because I like to use what they call Last Pass - which is a feature that allows you to not only store your passwords, but personal information as well. The reason that I like this is because with 1 click I can have popular information filled out such as my name, address, phone number, email, birthday, etc. Basically it's just less typing and filling out on your part which makes it go by much faster and easier. The more you can complete the more money you can make.  

Which brings me to my next suggestion: Get a junk phone number. I don't want to talk to these people and I'm sure you don't either. I personally have an account with google voice. I'm not sure if they're still free or not anymore, I signed up several years ago when they first came out and were trying to get more attention brought to them. I still have my free calling credit available! So yes, I use it strictly to give up for unwanted phone calls. The best part is that it goes to a voice messaging system that I set up so I don't have to take the calls. I simply get an email when I get a new voicemail. It gets better, if I don't want them calling anymore, say too many harassing calls, I just tell google to block the number. Nice huh? Of course they do have these options where you pay a fee, but they have a free trial - at least you'd have a junk number to use though regardless if you keep the service or not: Custom Toll Free Number or Ring Central.

Once you have those established you'll be set to go. Again, those are just suggestions and not requirements to be apart of Cash Crate. It's free to join and you just need yourself, a computer and some time.

After you join you just begin filling out offers! You go down the list and click the link of the offers you want. Most of them you just need to give the general sign up information and such then go back to your list and hit submit. Each offer opens in a separate window so you don't lose your place. I personally recommend just going down the list and completing the offers in order. Once they're submitted they disappear off the list anyway.

After you hit the submit button for your offer a little pop up will appear on your screen letting you know you will have to wait for the advertisers to verify you completed the offer. Just click Show me more offers and you offers page will be updated with the offers you have available to sign up for.

I would suggest checking EVERY DAY. This was my downfall. If I'd have done this from day one even after starting my job I'd probably be doing very well right now. It's only recently I decided to start back up *ahem* tonight *ahem* and get the ball rolling on things.  You won't get rich, but hey a tank of gas that didn't come out your checking account is always nice! Am I wrong? Or maybe this could be that extra spending money for when you try out those couponing offers or really nice sales.

I don't expect you to make a lot, but the potential is there. Not only am I sharing my advice with you, but starting today I will be following it myself. Even if it's just 2 offers a day, you need to start somewhere. And don't get discouraged. Not every offer gets approved - most do though! Some advertisers just, well suck and are a pain. And don't let the $0.50 offers scare you away thinking you won't make anything. They add up quickly! Believe me. I encourage you to go take even 15 minutes to dedicate to filling out Cash Crate offers and see how much credit you have within the next 24-48 hours. Not a lot, but something.

My last advice: Refer your friends! Yes, I have a lot of referrals, but my problem is I never tried to encourage anybody until now. Not only do you want to gain referrals, but you want them to actually complete offers as well. Why? Because you make a percentage of their earnings. It may be a small percent, but here again this adds up. I posted a proof of my earnings below. As you could see where I pretty much quit with my offers, most of my earnings came from my referrals. Now they don't just appear over night.  I joined Cash Crate in 2007 so my referrals built up over a course of 5 years. Encourage friends, family and even co-workers to join under you.

Here's proof of my payments sent - and remember, I didn't push myself. I did it only a couple times out of the month. Imagine if you did some every day!

cASH cRATE join now

If you have any tips or questions on this subject please feel free to share or ask it in a comment below!

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