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NOLARejeweled Homemade Soap.png
I absolutely LOVE homemade products, including homemade soaps. There's just something so much nicer about them rather than just getting a typical big box store brand soap.  Don't you agree? That is why I decided to start making my own homemade soaps, which I now sell on Etsy. Each soap is homemade and made to order so each soap is at its freshest when it arrives to you. My soaps are made with only a few ingredients, making it safe for most skin types. In fact, my soaps are made without harsh chemicals, fragrances or dyes. I offer a variety of scents and bar styles. I, personally, love the rectangle beehive bar style in the cranberry lemon fragrance. However, I love using my lavender oatmeal bar as an exfoliator with full chunks of oatmeal. The oatmeal is natural so it won't irritate your skin while it helps exfoliate it.
NOLARejeweled Homemade Soap Coffee Stars Lego.jpg
Currently, I am offering these fragrances:
However, feel free to check back or special request a fragrance of your own!
NOLARejeweled Homemade Soap BeeHive.jpg
For my soaps, I allow you to select the fragrance, soap base, and soap style, but you can also contact me if you have something customized to you in mind!
I can do add on customizations for an additional 25¢ each, however, you will have to request a custom order. I offer the following options for add ins (assuming it's not in the original recipe already):
• Vitamin E Oil
• Rose Water
• Himalayan Pink Salt
• Matcha Tea
• Oatmeal (whole or blended make sure to clarify)
• Additional Essential Oil Fragrance (Please contact for certain scent so I can verify if in stock)
• Dried Lavender Flowers
• Dried Hibiscus (will make coloration of your soap black or gray-ish)
Since these are made to order to keep them at their freshest, Please allow 5-7 business days for me to make these and get them shipped out. I will try my best to get them out as quickly as possible, but all depends on stock and the amount that you need.  See All the soaps I've made - some with different customizations in my Facebook Album here: http://bit.ly/2P5wZlq - Don't forget to follow NOLA Rejeweled on Facebook while you're there! Help support a small business today and shop NOLA Rejeweled Homemade Soaps!
While I absolutely love my own soaps, I have had a few others try them and fall in love as well. Now, I am trying to get the word out about great quality, unique, homemade soaps that I'm sure, you too, will love! Take a moment to check them out, favor them, like NOLA Rejeweled on Facebook, share with your friends, and maybe even place your first order to try them for yourself!


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