The streaming mediums and platforms have been constantly changing and updating themselves. There is no single streaming medium that we subscribe to. Countless streaming platforms provide us with seamless access to the best type of content that we want to access. Similarly, many third-party apps have also emerged that help us to alter the type of content we want to watch, download and even watch as per our terms.
PlayOn provides multiple access to streaming platforms in its app. You also have recording facilities available in the platform wherein you can record all your HD content and sync them in a common cloud-based platform. Many people have not heard about this streaming service and hence are not so sure about how the platform works.
PlayOn Cloud and
PlayOn Home are excellent streaming platforms just like other streamers off of PlayOn. They make sure to provide you with an excellent streaming service. PlayOn Cloud is used on Android phones. On the other hand, PlayOn Home is used on Windows computer desktops. So How exactly is Playon different when we compare it to other streamer platforms? Well, PlayOn is not practically a streamer as much as it’s a common streaming platform. The distinction itself lies in the semantics of How we say a website is different from a webpage. Even if it essentially means the same. The PlayOn has the interface of a common streaming platform and you have a lot of these streaming apps packed in one spot. The transfer of content is rather seamless and does not hamper any existing process.
PlayOn exists on both Android and desktop streaming platforms. The PlayOn Android version for instance is the Playon Cloud. Well, as far as the desktop version is concerned PlayOn Home is available for you to download. The type of content that you get with PlayOn is mostly the same but cloud facilities you do not get with Playon Home. So PlayOn does have a good list of movies especially ‘Hurt Locker’ which was an intense Oscar-winning drama movie.
But PlayOn does play to the sides of more talk but lacks the delivery at the basal level. The desktop application seems to be more on telling what lies with them as opposed to providing you with any substantial access. Lots of TV content is available on PlayOn but mostly it caters to free content like the likes of CW and CBS website content which is generally available to people. The free trial only lasts for a week and you do get five attempts of free recording of your content off of the streaming apps. When asked what PlayOn does differently, In the FAQ, they mentioned they provide recording options.
The price with PlayOn is very different when you compare it to other traditional streaming services. PlayOn has a yearly plan for its viewers and also a monthly plan. Playon also has two versions one, PlayOn Home, and the other Playon Cloud.
The yearly plan will cost you around $39.99 while the monthly plan is $4.99/month for PlayOn Home. In PlayOn Cloud the monthly plan will cost you $2.99/month. But you do get 30 recordings with the plan. As opposed to Playon Home’s unlimited recordings.
When talked about PlayOn Home You will get
7 free recording options available after initial sign up. Once you are done with your free trial, you will be charged as usual the same price. It’s usually $2.99/record session. And as usual, PlayOn Cloud does provide some bundled up recording credits from the viewer.
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