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Pros & Cons of Selling Avon.png
Whenever I talk with someone who is interested in Selling Avon, I always try to help them understand exactly what they’re signing up for.
It seems that sometimes when people sign up for their own home business, they have some idea in the back of their head that they just got a lottery ticket. Now that they have their own home business, the money will start rolling in.
The truth is it doesn’t work that way. I’m not looking to sign someone up just to get them on my team. That doesn’t work either. I can’t be successful if I’m not being honest, or if I lead people on to believe it’s going to be easy or they don't have to put any effort into it.
Selling Avon is just like any other business. It takes work. Having a home business isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. But it is great opportunity for those where there is a fit.

Is Avon right for you? It depends on what you’re looking for.

Are you outgoing (or willing to learn), ambitious, and willing to put in the effort to create life-changing income? Then, Yes, this is for you.
Maybe you’re looking to just earn a little bit of extra cash, or even get your personal products at a discount. Then, Yes, this is for you too.
You won’t get rich with Avon overnight, but you can definitely get rich over time, with some dedicated, consistent effort.
Still interested? Great! Let’s get into the Pros and Cons of Selling Avon!


The Pros of Selling Avon

It’s only $25 to Start! – It’s a quick application, choose your kit and get started right away. The $25 kit gives you over $80 value in products. There are also options to purchase upgraded kits for $50 or $100 to get more products if you’d like.
Unlike many other direct sales companies, you don’t have to spend very much on a starter kit to start selling Avon.
You can make your dreams come true with Avon – You’ll make friends that will last a lifetime, have the opportunity to earn luxurious vacations, and build your business to the top of the pay scale in sales and leadership to bring home a 6-figure income and beyond.
Avon’s KickStart Program – Avon provides a KickStart program that is designed to help new Avon Representatives get a taste for success from their first Avon order and beyond. This program gives you a guaranteed 40% commission on your first seven campaigns, as long as you meet your KickStart sales goals, and will help you earn $1,010 in your first 90 days.
The more you sell, the more you make – Avon gives you the benefit to grow your business as you see fit, and the more effort you put into it, the more money you will make.
When you sell Avon, you will earn 20-50% profit based on the total size of your Avon order (The combined total of all your order and all of your customer’s orders). You will earn 20% on fixed earnings items (any product that has a diamond symbol in front of the description, such as clothing, purses, licensed items not made by Avon).
There is no minimum to get paid. You are paid commission from the first dollar.
See the Avon Earnings Chart below:

Avon Earnings Chart

Combined Campaign Orders Earnings Percentage
$0 – $149.99 20%
$150 – $299.99 30%
$300 – $499.99 35%
$500 – $924.99 40%
$925 – $1,574.99 45%
$1,575+ 50%
No Quotas – There are no sales quotas. This is your business and you get to choose what you want out of it. As long as you place an order of any amount every 6 campaigns your Avon account will remain active. You will, however, want to order brochures every campaign so you can continue to build a strong business.
Free Online Store, Training and Support – Every Avon Representatives gets their own FREE Online Store where you can sell to anyone in the U.S. Your store is open 24-hours a day.
You can set your store up so that whenever anyone comes to your store, they will place their order, pay for it at that time, and Avon will ship the products to them and then pay you your commission. Pretty sweet!
You also get FREE Training from Avon and from Me! You are never in it alone when you sign up to be an Avon Representative.
Flexibility – Make your own schedule. Have the flexibility to work around your children’s needs or the needs of your aging parents. You are in control of your own schedule.
Work from Home – Avon provides each Representative the tools and technology to help build your business right from your home. They provide you with phone apps, social media posts, and more to help you grow your business.


The Cons of Selling Avon

It’s not a get rich quick business – You will not get rich overnight. You can definitely grow your business to a 6-figure income and beyond, but it will not happen overnight.
Flexibility – I listed this as a Pro of Selling Avon, but it can also be in the Con section. You have the flexibility to make your own schedule. But it can also be your downfall if you don’t take the scheduling part seriously. It’s important to schedule your activities and put in the effort to build a strong Avon business.
It takes work – All direct selling companies require time, dedication, and investment to be successful. You can be as successful as you want, but you will have to want it and work hard at it.
You may run into some competition – Depending on where you live, you may have a lot of local Avon Representatives in your area. But I suggest you not let that bother you. Stay true to yourself, and you’ll attract the right people to you.
You’ll find some customers would rather work with you and they’ll be loyal to you. You’ll also find some customers who would rather work with another Avon Representative, and that’s okay too. There’s plenty of business for everyone.
Having a home business can be a lot like riding a roller coaster – Just like in anything else in life, there will be ups and downs in your Avon business. Sometimes you’re riding high on a wave and everything you touch turns to gold. And then there are times when it feels like you can do nothing right.
Just hang in there. Don’t worry about what other Avon Representatives are doing. Be in competition only with yourself. Work to be better than yesterday, and do something every day to move your business forward. Trust the process and stay committed to growing our business and you will succeed.

The Bottom Line

Like any business, you get paid according to the effort you put into building it. Avon is a performance-based opportunity, which means the harder you work, the more money you will earn. In order to make the most money, I recommend that you build your Avon business by incorporating all three ways to earn income with Avon:
Selling Avon Face-to-Face – There are lots of ways to sell Avon face-to-face… Passing out brochures to your friends and family, taking brochures to work and sharing them with your coworkers, getting out there and meeting new people (like at stores, restaurants, etc.) and passing out brochures, setting up a table or booth at an event, or even going door-to-door.
Selling Avon Online – You will be given your own Avon eRepresentatives website where you will be able to sell online. You can set it up so that your customer places their order on your website and pays for their order just like any other shopping website, and then Avon ships the products directly to them.
Starting Your Own Avon Team – You share the Avon opportunity with others and help them build their own business. You are there to mentor and support them as they grow their business, and then you will earn bonus commission from your entire team sales.
So, is selling Avon worth it? It all depends on how much time, effort, and hard work you’re willing to invest. If you’re just looking for a little extra spending money and/or getting a discount on your products, you won’t need as much effort. But if you’re looking to build walk-away income, you can do that too if you decide you want it and work hard to pursue your dreams.


Ready to get started as an Avon Representative???

Just Click Here, fill out a short application, choose your Starter Kit, and just like that you’ll be ready to go!
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