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According to a recent study, one in five adults living in the U.S. are currently suffering from chronic pain– that’s well over 100 million affected Americans. Experiencing chronic pain can take a toll not only on your bank account and physical health, but your mental health as well. While acute pain can often be treated with a simple solution- like taking a pain reliever and a nap- chronic pain is often much harder to manage. This is where the use of cannabidiol (CBD) comes in. 
Cannabidiol (or CBD) one of Cannabis’ non-psychoactive compounds, has been used for hundreds of decades, as an all-natural pain reliever. There’s also substantial proof that our ancestors used parts of the cannabis plant to relieve chronic pain, long before the pharmaceutical industry was around. 
Due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, CBD could help provide relief from the side effects of:
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Migraines
  • Joint Aches
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Ovarian cysts
I am one who has been having a long-time pain as a result of a rear-ended car accident years ago. I've tried various products and CBD oils. While I find CBD oil doesn't work immediately for me, it does work if I take it daily. I also find it helps me more as far as being able to focus and even helped with some memory skill - as in, less forgetfulness. That's just my personal experience. 
I was thrilled to give 43 CBD Solutions a try to see how well their products would work for me. I was sent their USDA Organic Full Spectrum CBD Oil (1000mg) and their Pocket Tin CBD Hemp Oil Salve (75mg) that I have been using for the past couple of weeks. 
The 43 CBD Solutions’ USDA organic CBD oil (1000mg) is a smart blend of their locally-harvested artisan CBD oil extract and organic golden hemp seed oil. The tincture is the quickest method of taking in CBD orally, as it hits the bloodstream almost immediately. Their CBD tinctures contain an extract of full-spectrum CBD oil as well as the added benefit of hemp seed oil, a very healthy oil rich in omega fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins. Their tincture comes in three delicious flavors: Cinnamon, Peppermint, and Natural. I received the peppermint flavored one.
As someone who does NOT like the way CBD oil in general tastes, I opted to fill a vegetable capsule with the oil instead of taking it directly under the tongue for my first time giving a try. The plus side of this is not having to taste it. The negative side to this is that it does not hit the bloodstream as fast as it would as if I would have just placed it under my tongue as directed.
Now, to be fair for testing purposes, I decided to take one for the team and add it under my tongue, hold it for a few seconds then swallow. The directions are not on the bottle, but that's how I've noticed it works for all other CBD companies. I was rather surprised that the flavor was not as strong as others, thanks to the peppermint additive, so I could actually tolerate swallowing it without an issue. Other companies I found, even with flavor, I nearly wanted to throw up just from the strong taste. So while there is still that similar aftertaste, it isn't nearly as bad as others I have used in the past. As far as the benefits, I found I received the same quality benefits from this particular brand, if not better. 
Next up was the salve. The 43CBD Solutions salve (75 mg) is an all-natural topical product that can be easily applied directly to the skin. It contains 100 percent organic ingredients, including beeswax, vitamin E, coconut oil, olive oil, and full-spectrum hemp oil with 300mg of CBD. It’s especially ideal for those with sensitive skin or allergies because we do not add any artificial ingredients or scent. 
A CBD salve can offer hydration and comfort- especially in dry climates or during the winter months.  CBD salves enable the anti-inflammatory compounds of cannabis to get straight to the source of pain, directly targeting the problem areas. This makes CBD salve an ideal method of pain relief for athletes and people suffering from chronic pain, or anyone who is looking for an all-natural way to relieve everyday aches and pains. Studies show that using a CBD salve right on the affected area is not just effective, but powerful.  
When applying CBD salve to your skin, it’s important to remember that our skin is compiled of many layers, so it sometimes takes a few days for the CBD to cross the transdermal layers. To apply, lather on the CBD salve generously, once or twice a day, and continue using it daily until you feel like you have achieved sufficient pain relief.  Topicals like lotions and salves are amazing solutions for treating localized pain. However, for long-term health and wellness goals, you’ll take CBD oil in tandem with using the CBD salve, to maximize the healing properties. This may also potentially alleviate other symptoms of chronic pain, like anxiety or sleeplessness. 
I have been using the salve on my feet and have noticed a difference. I have some dry spots - probably due to weather, always wearing flip flops, and just getting older. Lotion does very minimal for me whereas the salve actually has made a difference. It's taken several days of using before results were noticed, but nonetheless, there were results compared to having none with other lotions and such. One thing you will notice with this particular salve is the smell. It does have the marijuana smell to it (as most CBD products do), but I find it is quite strong. Literally, smells like my feet are smoking a joint after applying (lol), but it's not strong enough that I smell it when walking around. You literally have to be near my feet (or where I applied it) to smell it. That would be my only complaint on this one. Considering how well it works, though, that's hardly anything to complain about. 
Needless to say, I think I have found some quality products worth mentioning, and using that I honestly feel has made a difference in my life. 43 CBD Solutions a nice selection of CBD items to choose from so you can pick the one most fit for your needs.
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