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 All Natural Feminine Spray_Feb 2018_2.png
I love trying all natural products and was excited to try this one! You, too, can try out the All Natural Feminine Spray with Essential Oils | No fillers, No Water - 100% Oil Blend for just $17.99 ad get FREE shipping if you're an Amazon Prime member. Normally, this spray is $21! This is a great price to try this out for yourself to see how it works for you!
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product review
I wasn't too sure what to expect with this spray. I was a bit nervous because of it being used in my "lady spot" so, naturally, I was worried about any bad reactions and such. Luckily, there were no bad reactions thus far. Typically, I do not have odor problems, but there are times I wake up in the morning, sweated in my sleep, and just overall have some funky body odor despite showering before heading to bed. As a self proclaimed "girly girl" I cannot stand feeling or being smelly in the least bit. So this spray pretty much arrived at a perfect time for me to try it.
For me, when I decided to try this, I decided to shower first. I never want to feel like I'm masking odors, but I want to eliminate them. So I took a shower, as I normally would in any situation. After drying off is when I decided to put this spray to use. I found it was gentle and it actually worked! While a shower/bath is not necessary to use the product, it was my personal preference to do so. If your PH balance is off, then a simple shower will not eliminate the full odor issue of your lady parts which is why I like this spray. Does it scientifically clean up your area? I couldn't tell you. I'm not a doctor nor a scientist. I can just tell you that I felt (and smelled) the results of using this spray. So far I have had no irritation or rash breakouts. So the fact that I am receiving great results with no negative side effects leave me to say that I would highly recommend this product!
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