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GuruNanda Pluggy USB Wall Plug-In Diffuser.png
GuruNanda Natural Mist™ is a USB powered Essential Oil Diffuser that sprays 100% Pure Essential Oil Mist. It's time to opt for natural products to freshen the air in your home.
  • Uses 100% Pure Essential Oils | Nebulizer - No Water Needed | Does Not Use Heat
  • Automatic Air Freshener - Use Your Favorite GuruNanda Essential Oils
  • The First of Its Kind, This Plug-In Diffuser Will Have You Breathing In Natural Aromas From Botanical Gardens Around the World.
  • Say NO MORE to harsh harmful chemicals. The GuruNanda PLUGGY - A Better Way To Breathe
  • The GuruNanda Plug-In Diffuser, or as we call it 'Pluggy' is the most natural and ethical way to diffuse pure essential oils around you and experience nature at home.
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How To Use -Fit It. Plug It. Mist It.
Step 1. Remove dripper plug from your favorite GuruNanda Essential Oil
Step 2. Screw the Essential Oil bottle directly into the Pluggy
Step 3. Plug into a USB port or Plug into a USB adapter and plug into a wall outlet
Step 4. Press Power
Fits all GuruNanda 10ml and 15ml Essential Oil Bottles
Do not use Corrosive Oils such as Cinnamon or Citronella
Remove Dripper Plug from Essential Oil Bottles
Manufacturer 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
No Mist-Trouble Shooting
1. Make sure the dripper cap has been removed from the GuruNanda essential oil bottle.
2. Use only GuruNanda Essential Oils, we can guarantee the quality and purity! - Many other essential oil companies use a carrier oil, a base oil, of some sort of filler in their EO bottles. These fillers DO NOT diffuse because they are too thick/fatty and can actually ruin the Pluggy.
3. Diffuse rubbing alcohol for 30 Minutes - This breaks down any particulates that could be negatively affecting the nebulizer.
product review
I am a HUGE fan of essential oils and use them quite regularly in my diffusers. So I was super excited to check out the GuruNanda Natural Mist™ - USB Wall Plug-In Diffuser. It's different from others I have used because you screw it directly on to your essential oil bottle, not apply a few drops to water to diffuse. Plus, you can plug it directly into a USB port or use the included wall plug to plug it into your wall. So it's really neat. However, I do find getting them to actually work is tricky.
It comes with easy to follow instructions, but I find the diffuser does not always work as it is supposed to. I was sent a diffuser and I followed all directions and troubleshooting options and it did not work. I finally contacted the company, who has excellent customer service by the way, who figured I had a defective diffuser and sent out a replacement immediately. While awaiting the new diffusers arrival, I used an essential oil from a different brand and it after giving up, but leaving it plugged in, the diffuser started working as it should and is continuing to work. While it works, the oil fragrance is nice and powerful and fills up the bathroom (the choice of spot for use).
When the second one arrived, I found the same issue occured, but still at this point is not properly working (even with my personal brand of oils I use). So I love the product, when it works as it is amazing. However, after seeing how much trouble getting it to work and hoping for it to work I'm not too sure. I also noticed this seems to be an issue based on other online reviews. Maybe something with the device? If the manufacturer can look into this and find the fix, these would be so amazing and convenient! So great concept, but a bit difficult to get to work (even though it should be a simple thing).
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