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Her Fit Shape Detox Tea REVIEW.png
A lot of people see themselves as more of a ‘coffee person’, but this could be the year that we replace our morning cup of espresso with tea. Many believe that a coffee will jump start their day and certainly, caffeine can get us going, but it can also lead to a crash late in the afternoon. The beneficial effect tends to lessen over time and you can begin to suffer from withdrawal headaches if you don’t get your daily ‘fix’. Let’s take a look at one of the best (and healthy) alternatives – detox tea, and list 5 of its benefits.



1. Appetite Suppressant

If you feel hungry most of the time, you are not alone. A large majority of the modern diet is high in refined carbohydrates but low in protein and fibre. When you’re looking to shed some weight you need to be eating foods which are calorie poor but nutrient dense. Foods with a lot of protein (such as eggs, lean meat, fish, chicken legumes) and fibre (leafy green vegetables, whole fruits and unrefined cereals) help suppress hunger for longer throughout the day. One other strategy to help stave off cravings is to suppress the appetite through the use of natural teas which also have the beneficial effect of making you feel less hungry – and therefore – less likely to snack.

2. Aids Digestion

Most herbal teas assist in digestion. The natural compounds released from detox tea aid the digestive process and speed up the emptying of the colon – removing waste from the body. Used regularly, detox teas can improve digestive well-being and reduce bloating and constipation.

3. Removes Toxins

Did you know that when you drink tea, the natural herbs can assist the liver to detoxify the body of alcohol, caffeine, smoke and other food additives? The detox properties of green tea are well known and lead to improved activation of detoxification enzymes within the liver.

4. Boosts the Immune System

Organic, naturally-produced teas are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants act to shield your body from free radicals that may trigger health issues. Drinking herbal teas regularly will build a strong defense system against viruses and bacteria.

5. Increases Metabolism

Teas increases your metabolism which allows you to burn extra calories, even when you’re at rest. This can assist in weight loss as some teas have a thermogenic effect which both burns fat and decreases fat storage in your body.


I recently discovered Her Fit Shape. Her Fit Shape is a 14-day detox program designed to promote weight loss and support digestive health. Her Fit Shape's superfood blend gently cleanses the body and flushes out toxins.  Check out my unpackaging and demo video below:



While I cannot tell you just how well the tea works at this time, after a couple of days of use I can tell you that I have felt less bloated as well as a bit of a more natural energy. For me, it's too soon to honestly tell whether it is a result of the tea or just coincidence as I often have periods of tiredness as well as extra bursts of energy depending on where I'm at with my menstrual cycle. With that being said, I found that the tea wasn't too bad. When doing detox or health-related teas, I like to leave them as natural as possible to help with getting the full benefits. That means no adding in honey, milk, or creamer (or anything of that sort) to enhance the flavor. The flavor isn't bad, mostly like a hot water with a hint of a leaf-like flavor to me. Nothing strong at all. It's not sweet nor is it bitter. The tea goes down smoothly and surprisingly I haven't had cramps when drinking it thus far. I found some detox teas can cause cramps and depending on the tea and ingredients the cramps can range from mild to pretty harsh. So having none is always a nice plus. Keep in mind, this could depend on your body and what toxins it is trying to get rid of, of course. Overall, so far, I am pretty pleased with the tea. It seems to be having a positive effect on me  and I look forward to seeing the end results!

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