Upon receiving my new lighter I must admit, it looks a bit intimidating, but honestly, this is the coolest lighter I have come across! The InstaFire® "Crossfire" plasma lighter uses the latest in lighter technology! This lighter uses plasma so there is no open flame, yet will light any fire you want with 350,000 lights. This lighter is also windproof, waterproof, & the last lighter you will ever need. It also has extra compartment built in to store InstaFire you can now have a fire in virtually any condition carrying with you. How cool is that?! I love that there are simple, easy to follow, instructions on the back of the lighter packaging as well to help guide you as far as how to use the lighter and the features of it rather than leaving you to just figure it out on your own. Once you use it the first, though, I doubt you'll forget how to use it since it is so simple.
While this lighter is a bit larger than other similar style lighters, I found this one is not only more functional with a lot more uses to it, but it also is safer in the terms of children. There is a specific way you activate the lighter before you can actually use. Just press the button 3 times to turn it on. Without doing that, it won't turn on, thus keep little hands safe from accidentally burning. Unlike the lighters with that 'press and roll' style lighter with a flame, this one is a lot easier for someone, like me, who has a bit of difficulty with the other lighters. Plus, not having a large flame for simply lighting a candle in my house is pretty nice as well.
![InstaFire Cross-Fire Plasma Lighter 350k lights + 3 pack of InstaFire](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0385/2393/products/crossfire_with_instafire_700_charges_x3pack_2048x.jpg?v=1521647266)
Along with the lighter, you get 3 fire starter packs. These packs are used to make a fire regardless of having wet wood and such so you should be able to make a fire in just about any weather condition. We took some of the fire starter and lit it using the new lighter. It lit instantly. We then applied a wet piece of wood. This wood was soaked through due to all the rain we have been having so it took a bit to catch, but eventually, it did once the heat from the fire going in the fire starter dried it out. While waiting for the wood to catch fire, the fire in our little pile of fire starter did not die out. It continued to go strong during our duration of being outdoors and enjoying a little backyard fire.
In all honesty, this set I received from InstaFire is amazing! The lighter is super cool, as I already mentioned, and the fire starter has got to be the best I have ever tried. I mean, the stuff catches instantly and you only need a small amount to get things going. When we lit the fire starter, there was no 'big burst of flame' as I have seen with others - meaning, no lighting and rushing to jump back hoping not to get burned. This stuff lit gently (for lack of better terms) to start a flame. So great product, great design, works great - perfect for emergencies or just regular home use. Regardless, I can honestly say I highly recommend this stuff, seriously!