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While kids are thrilled that school is out for the summer, it’s also a time to make sure they don’t lose all of their hard-earned knowledge from the previous year. Research from the Johns Hopkins University for Summer Learning shows that the average child loses about 2.6 months of academic learning over the summer. Moms can help by using active outdoor play as a way to spark a child’s imagination, curiosity, and learning!  


Here are some mom hacks to help your kids learn while they kick off outside play this summer. 

When life gives you lemons, host a learning lemonade stand with Lil' Lemonade Stand-off: A Memory Matching Game! Great for ages 5+, you can set up a blanket outside and have them practice their memory and matching skills while enjoying a fresh glass of ice cold lemonade! MSRP: $19.99.

Mini entrepreneurs can also create a real lemonade stand and use the Pretend & Play Calculator Cash Register to count the money they earn! Ages 3+. MSRP: $39.99. Perfect for early counters and honing math skills. Bonus points for baking cookies to sell as well! They can also make an adventure out of gathering all of the cups, ingredients and other supplies they will need. Lemonade stands are also a great way to teach kids about people in need. They may choose to donate their hard-earned money to a local charity or cause of interest!Engaging kids’ senses in the great outdoors


Engaging kids’ senses in the great outdoors make it a better hands-on learning experience in an environment that is perfect for pretend play.

Lil' Lemonade Stand-Off™ A Memory Matching Game

About Lil' Lemonade Stand-Off

Make building memory skills a game! Compete to win by earning the most coins at your lemonade stand. Just draw a card, look at the order of the yellow and pink cups, and then re-create it from memory. A fun and challenging game for 2 to 4 players.
Educational Benefits
  • Learning Style: Visual, Tactile
  • Skill Development: Memory and recall skills, Critical thinking, Matching, Turn taking, Problem solving, Counting, Sequential thought, Fine motor skills, Eye-hand coordination
  • 10 Cups, 2 Lids, 20 Coins, 30 Order cards, 4 Lemonade stands with tops

• Age: 5+
• Grade: K+
my thoughts
I was sent Lil' Lemonade Stand-Off to check out for myself and my family and it was definitely a hit in our home! See my full unboxing video (above) of first impression and thoughts of the game right out of the box!
The game itself was high-quality and well made. What impressed me was how simple the game was, yet how fun it was. Not only did my 9-year-old daughter love the game, but my husband and I enjoyed playing the game as well. It seems pretty easy, and the concept is easy, but remembering everything for the match making part of the game is definitely more of a challenge than I anticipated. Basically, you look at the card for as long as you need. When you're ready, you put the card face down and try to replicate the cup order on the tray, as it is displayed on the card. If you are correct, you get to add the coins to your lemonade stand. If you get it wrong, you miss out on the coins and your turn is over.
Aside from being fun, I found that you can use the lemonade stands (which are made out of tin and a plastic top) can be used on Lemonade Day to collect your money or even as a bank long after your children outgrow the game. This is just some "out of the box" ideas I had on the game. 
Needless to say, we had a great experience with this game and highly recommend it!

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TopCashBack    is another cool way to get cash back. They do regular cashback and also sometimes give you 100% cashback on items purchased in-store which means you get it for FREE! Awhile back, they had a promotion for a free pack of Pampers diapers. Nice!


Step by Step Instructions

  1. Sign up for Topcashback here
  2. Click on “More Shopping” and choose Baby & Kids Cashback
  3. Choose a store and click on “Get Cashback Now“


TIP: Open the TopCashBack link a new window, search for the store, select it and it will open in a new window. Once this happens, you can close that window and continue shopping from where you were. Doing this will log that you are shopping through TopCashBack without losing your place!


Want to Save EVEN More Money? Try these out: Honey, DealSpotr, Coupon Surfer, Checkout 51, SaveAround Coupon Books, 100BigCoupons.com, Mr. Rebates, and eBates

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