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Have you heard of Bakerly? I'm fairly new to learning about them as well, but I am excited to share the experience I had with them, with you! 
Who is Bakerly? 
Bakerly began when Julien and Fabian, two Bretons (from Brittany, in the North West of France), decided to combine their efforts and talents to bring their love of crêpes, brioches, and other traditional French products to households across America. Julien’s family’s company has decades of experience in manufacturing delicious wholesome bakery products in France. Being half-American, he has been waiting for the right time to move to the U.S. and bring his French goodies along with him. Fabian used to have his own restaurant and made the best crêpes in Brittany (and perhaps in the world!). He has been hoping to share crêpes and other bakery items ever since moving to the US more than a decade ago.Their goal is to stay true to making quality bakery products the same way they enjoyed them when they were children in France
Bakerly sent me three of their products to try out for myself and I must say, I'm impressed! I was sent the chocolate hazelnut crêpes to-gobrioche burger buns, and brioche hot dog buns to try out for myself. While I enjoyed all three of these, I must confess that I have a favorite... the crepes to go! Those are light, soft, little crepes filled with smooth and creamy chocolate hazelnut spread and they are addictingly delicious! While they do not look like much, the filling is just perfect to make it where these are not too sweet, but not dry either. When I say they are a perfect balance, I mean it! 
Next up are the brioche buns. “Brioche” is the hallmark of France… a bread made with wheat flour, eggs, and butter for incomparable texture and taste! Both the hot dog and burger buns are the same, minus the shape (obviously). The buns have that perfect shape that seems to only be seen on the television, yet here it is, perfectly formed in front of your own fact. Aside from a perfect appearance, the buns of a deliciously fresh taste with that something special that makes these stand out as a better bun option for your hot dogs or burgers. My husband is the more picky one of the two of us and he instantly LOVED the buns, especially with the hot dogs he made. The Bakerly brioche burger buns and hot dog buns are subtly sweet and deliciously golden brown. They are a great combination between a brioche and a burger/hot dog bun. Just mix the salty and sweet taste to bring out the actual flavor of the juicy patty you’re about to eat. 
Needless to say, I had a very pleasing experience with Bakerly. While I was hoping they would taste good, I just didn't expect them to taste this good. Truly fresh-tasting, high-quality products that I think you would truly enjoy. Definitely worth giving a try, you won't be disappointed!
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