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As someone who has a zoo (11 cats, 1 dog, and 1 turtle) I am always looking for products to help them. It's not often my cats need skincare, but at times they do get irritated from flea bites. So I was excited to find out about Ranch Remedy. Additionally, not only does it work for animals, but humans as well!
About Ranch Remedy
Ranch Remedy is an antibacterial, antifungal solution that quickly heals almost any skin irritation an animal has. Ranch Remedy was initially tested on humans and is made of a proprietary blend of natural plant extracts that enhances the skin’s natural ability to heal itself! This signature blend has been around for over 40 years and is specifically formulated for quick, safe, no-mess relief for many skin irritations.
Before even using this on my cats, I tested it on myself because I sliced a part of my foot several days ago and it really got me good! I've been caring for the injury, of course, but figured I'd use the Ranch Remedy on that part where my skin is healing. There is no strong odor coming from this product and did not hurt upon application. No burning at all. After a few minutes I did feel a slight tingle from it for a moment, but no pain at all. 
Ranch Remedies ingredients are alcohol and water-based solution infused with DermaVine, their proprietary blend of natural plant extracts that enhance the skin's natural ability to repair itself. This topical first aid solution is enhanced with a natural plant-based cleansing compound, formulated for quick, safe, no-mess relief of man irritating skin issues. This formula is meant to help with: 
  • Helps prevent infection
  • Reduces Pain and Itching
  • Heals dry, chapped, flaking skin rashes
  • Destroys warts, fungal growths
  • Relieves hot spots, insect bites, and stings
  • Post-Surgery wounds: Helps eliminate biting/pulling at the stitches and wound
  • Speeds up the healing process, naturally
  • Eliminates "heal warts"
  • Tough on odor and dander
  • Relieves minor cuts, scrapes, burns, rashes
Basically, this has a lot of benefits for such a small bottle. I noticed relief from the itching from my injury within just moments. I'm quite impressed with Ranch Remedy and would highly recommend it based on my own personal experience with it. Hopefully, it will worth just as well when my cats are in need of it.
Try Ranch Remedy for yourself today: https://www.yourranchremedy.com/product/ranch-remedy
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