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The Thought Catapulter was an interesting item to review for me. It is simple, yet has such a great meaning behind its purpose. 
The Thought Catapulter assists the process of shifting from one state into another… from lack into abundance, from sickness into health, from fear into joy, etc. When you combine doing affirmations in a specific way ALONG WITH this secret amplifier, you can effect positive change in your life. The Thought Catapulter makes this signal very, very strong. It is a powerful complement to affirmations, which makes them much more effective. It is kind of like a “goal activator.” The Thought Catapulter is your own law of attraction talisman to amplify your intentions and make your dreams reality. Comparable to magnetic pendants or trinkets that you keep on your body to increase luck, success, wealth, abundance, and prosperity. Also may be thought of as a money magnet and good luck charm.

How does it work? 

When the subconscious mind is truly reprogrammed or shifted or healed or trained to have a new thought-pattern, THIS will then be projected back down into the lower dimensions and you will witness the change that you have been longing for. In this way, it is more likely that you will have success in shifting your reality from A to B. The Thought Catapulter WRAPS the affirmation in a magnetic field. When you place this pouch, containing the affirmation(s) and the magnet on your physical body, it merges with your own physical AND etheric (invisible) fields. This tool will greatly assist in the goal of communicating with your subconscious mind, the exact impulse you want it to receive.
It is optimal to keep the Thought Catapulter on your physical body if possible. If you have a pocket, it is easy to just slip it in your pocket and then you are done. If you don’t have a pocket, you can use the optional elastic strap that comes with each Thought Catapulter and tie it to your arm or leg. It need not touch your skin directly in order to work. So it’s effect will be felt through clothing.

What do I think?

I received the primary abundance affirmation cards, the supplemental abundance affirmation cards, the physical health affirmation cards, emotional health affirmations group 2, 3, 4, and 5. I also received the relationship affirmation cards, weight-loss affirmation cards, as well as blank affirmation cards. For me, I look at this as a tool in the same aspect as people use prayer as a tool in their life. The difference, to me, is this is something physical that you can hold in your hand and keep on your body to look at as a reminder of your goals and what you want to achieve in your life.
The affirmation cards come on a cardstock-style page and you will need to cut them out. Once they are cut, you can fit one, or several, in the included zippered pouch. Keep those with your magnet on your person. The affirmations are all positive and are properly themed based on selections. For example, the Physical Health Affirmation cards, one of the affirmations listed is "My physical body is strong and healthy." For the Emotional Health Affirmation cards, one of them says "I deserve to live and thrive in this world." Each saying is something positive to help you get in a good mental state of mind. 
Now, are these magic? No. Do they help bring positivity? I believe they do. Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of our worth and goals. We need to be reminded we can achieve our goals if we put our minds to it. I believe the Thought Catapulter is a great tool for that physical and mental reminder. While this may not be for everyone, I believe it could be a great tool for many. Take a look at their website and read about it for yourself here: https://www.thought-catapulter.com
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