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Let’s be honest – carrying stuff up and downstairs is the worst. Whether it’s groceries, laundry, moving boxes, or holiday decorations, getting them where they need to go can be a hassle. That’s where UpCart comes in! UpCart Stair Climbing Hand Carts and Hand Trucks reduce the effort needed to move items up and downstairs by up to 64%. With weight capacities of 77 lbs, 140 lbs, and 200 lbs, UpCart is always ready for life’s big projects. Every UpCart comes fully assembled and ready to roll. Plus, patented technology allows UpCart to fold flat for easy storage, so you can store it until you need it. 
I recently received my very own UpCart Hero Dolly and UpCart Tote Bag and absolutely LOVE them! The UpCart Hero Dolly makes it easier to move things for people who want to work smarter, not harder. Its unique engineering makes it easy to bring home the groceries, transport laundry up the stairs, or haul a cabinet to your fifth-floor apartment. This stair climber dolly folds flat for easy storage, so you can store it until you need it. With a lifetime warranty and included upgrade bag for loose items, this dolly is sure to be your hero around the house. Rated for up to 140 lbs. The tote bag can haul up to 12 gallons of items!
So hearing about the cart and seeing pictures is one thing. Actually using the UpCart, however, would be the tell-all. Now, we only have a single step to our door and no stairs, however, we like to go those library book sales and while the prices are great, I get a ton of books and getting them to the car sucks if I'm going to be honest! Last time we went to one I brought a basic fold-up card. It was not stable at all and all the books made it hard to wheel. Let alone trying to go down some stairs or on the rocky road trying to reach the car. With the UpCart, this isn't an issue.
I tested out my new UpCart Hero in my yard - you know, a place generally not meant for hand carts - at least not ones that can fold up and are lightweight like this. I added some stuff and carted it around the yard... then up to my single step doorway. The whole transaction was smooth. Obviously, you don't want to do this on soft ground (such as a wet ground) where anything will get stuck, but in my grassy and uneven yard, I had no issues. Getting into my house - no issues. Just a smooth roll up and down. Whether it was a lightweight roll around or something a bit heavier (keeping it within the weight range of course), the UpCart held up and wheeled on without flaw. I'm super impressed and seriously was not expecting it to work as well as it did. I mean, it's lightweight and folds up - what kind of device can do that?!
Yes, we're impressed. Yes, we recommend it. Bottom line.
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