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UPDATE on My Teami 30 Days Detox Experience #Review
  Do you guys remember when I did my review on Teami? Well, I wanted to do a little update post about what`s been going on. So I`m going to skip all the intro stuff about the business and the benefits of a detox as that is all in my original post for anybody interested. So let me start off by being honest. I did not plan on sticking with this because I honestly did not expect it to work. I figured I`d give it a week and see what would happen from using the Teami Detox 30 Days Pack along with my Teami Tea Tumbler (they sent me a new pink one - love it much more than the yellow!). The tea doesn`t taste like anything special. Just a plain hot water with a hint of flavor. It`s not nasty, just not like those "fancy" teas I enjoy drinking to relax for bed. Now I know that doesn`t sound very exciting, but give it a chance. While drinking the tea I did not do anything special. I did not change my diet and I did not exercise. Yes, for the best results, going on a healthy diet and exercise will definitely make a huge difference, but like I said, I am being open and honest to show an every day mom and the results. On a normal basis, I have been drinking roughly 2-4 16 ounce bottles of water per day already. With all that said, drinking the tea and colon cleanse I lost roughly 1.5-2 pounds per week (you can see my weight numbers in the image at the top of this post). I know that`s not a lot, but remember, quickly dropping weight is also very unhealthy. Also, keep in mind, I was drinking the skinny tea just once per day and the colon cleanse tea every other day. I didn`t pay attention originally where it mentioned you can drink the skinny tea up to 3 times per day by reusing the same leaves. So over the past week or so I started doing that. So my tea schedule is 1 day of drinking the skinny 2 or 3 times in the day (I ultimately want to do 3 times per day but I do not force myself if I`m not in the mood for it either) and the next day I do 1 skinny tea and 1 colon cleanse tea. It should be noted, with the colon cleanse tea, you only want to let it steep for 2-3 minutes at a time. It says this, but I did not honestly pay any mind and let it sit in the tumbler while as I drank it. Is it really bad for you? Well, I honestly do not know, however, it can cause stomach cramping and you feeling more uncomfortable and a sort of sick feeling. Whereas when you let it steep only for the mentioned time you may feel slight cramping the first couple times, but it won`t be nearly as bad. I also noticed, when I was first doing the colon cleanse teas, despite letting it steep over the time limit, I was "going #2" (to put it nicely) a lot more once the tea had finished it`s course. Now that I have been doing this detox/cleanse for about a month now, it still makes me "go" but not as often or as much and I don`t feel all yucky once the cleanse gets through. So it seems like you feel kinda like a mess at first because of all the toxins and built up in your system that it`s trying to get out. So if I`m not changing my diet, how am I losing weight? Well, taking in more water is good for any diet. Much better than soda and sugar filled drinks. Like I said, though, I was already drinking more water. You should also keep in mind not do drink too much water as you can get water weight. So you want to keep that balanced out. However, the tea does help suppress your hunger. One thing I`ve noticed, though, is that it surpassed it in a different manner than with diet pills. When I was taking diet pills to help suppress hunger, I would get jittery, have high energy, then crash. It would suppress my hunger for a while, but then I`d be ready to munch on stuff later on. With the tea, I notice I get more of a natural energy. To my surprise, I get more energy than I do when drinking coffee. The thing is, I love how coffee tastes so I do give in to it still at times, however, if I want legit energy without a crash, I drink the tea. On top of not crashing and gaining energy, it keeps me from wanting to munch on junk all day. I still get hungry, I still eat food, but it`s more like I eat what I am legit hungry for rather than starving myself. Now I will be honest, again. I have not stuck on the tea every day like it is recommended. I am only human. I try to push for it daily. If anything, I fix it when I first wake up and get it in me before I fully wake up and get ready to eat. I notice if you drink it once you`re hungry, it will work for later on, but it does not stop your hunger you are already feelings. Some days I simply crave that coffee. Is it recommended to drink coffee along with the tea? No. Not when you`re trying to achieve results, but my advice? Do what works for you! If you want the ultimate results, though, follow the guide that comes with the tea! Also, check out TeaMi`s blog as they share a lot of helpful information! A tip: Clean your tumbler regularly. I find having a 2nd tumbler. I reserve my TeaMi tumbler to use only for my detox products, however, when it`s time to clean them, it can be a bit tricky. While one is being cleaned, I now have another to use during that time. It`s just a convenience thing. As far as cleaning it goes, Get a baby bottle nipple cleaning brush, you know, those super skinny ones with bristles, to clean the top. After using so much, I notice the tumbler top gets stained from the tea and starts looking pretty nasty, even after tossing it through a hot dishwasher. So the little brush will help with that. As far as the tumbler and strainer go, use baking soda, hot water, and lemons to get that part clean! As you can see, I am enjoying TeaMi a lot more seeing the results and the fact I saw the results within the first week. Weighing yourself daily is generally a big "no no" since your weight fluctuates, but get a free weight tracker on your phone and check it regularly once you`re drinking the tea. I cannot visually see my weight difference, but I`ve lost roughly 6-8 pounds since drinking the tea and have about another 23-25 pounds to go to achieve my personal goal. So I use the weight tracker to note my weight so I can see the pattern of it going down, no matter how little it is, as you can see in mine, the overall result is it going down; which I love to see! Of all the dieting pills and products I`ve tried, thus far, TeaMi is the absolute best product that has worked for my needs of losing weight and I`ve seen a ton of other reports of people with positive and real results!

Want to try Teami for yourself? Take advantage of these discount codes:

  By the way, follow Teami on their social media:
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