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Valley Food Storage: Enchilada Beans & Rice #Review
About Valley Food Storage
We couldn't find a food storage product that was good enough for our families, so we created our own. Our story starts back in 2005. We all desire to provide for our families and this was becoming a more pressing matter on our minds. How were we to do that? Like all well prepared family, we decided to invest in food storage to prepare us for any situation. We purchased and stored our food neatly in our basements then went about our business as usual. A few years later, while checking on our stores, we noticed something rather unsettling. Our food storage cans were misshapen! How did that happen?! We decided to look at the contents of our cans. We discovered that our food storage had gone very bad!   We started to ask ourselves how and why did this happen? Our Food was guaranteed to last us 25 years! One thing we learned that day is that when it comes to food storage, a blissful ignorance just won't cut it. After doing some research of our own, we found that the food we purchased was packed full of ingredients that wouldn't last more then 2-3 years. Hydrogenated oils, whole eggs, corn, and MSG. Can you imagine if we needed that food and that's what we had found? This was a horrifying experience and not one we would let happen again. We teamed up with food scientists across the country to work towards a solution. We found that natural food ingredients and a nitrogen flushing process will help ensure our shelf life up to 25 years without any added preservatives, MSG, or GMOs. We have the absolute best product on the market today, bar none. Valley Food Storage was established on the simple fact that there wasn't a single food supply store that emphasized quality ingredients. We have a deep desire to bring the best quality food to you and your family as if your family was our own. Help us to bring the best-valued food into every home's table.
  Living in the South and having Hurricane Season you learn to keep a stash of emergency supplies on hand and emergency food is one of the items. I gave the Valley Food Storage Enchilada Beans & Rice a try to see how it tastes and what it was all about and I must say I was pretty impressed. The bag comes with 5 servings of beans and rice and is actually gluten-free for those who are on a special diet. Unlike other similar foods, this brand does not have Hydrogenated Oils, GMO, MSG, or Trans Fats in it. Even more surprising though about this is the long shelf life. This brand actually has a 25 YEAR shelf life - which is perfect to keep in your emergency food storage stash.  
Cooking the food is easy, but it does take longer than a typical meal. remember, this is for EMERGENCY purposes, not everyday meals. We have a hot water option on our water cooler so we didn`t need to wait for the water to heat up, but it still took a little bit. I poured the bean content in a bowl then the hot water on top and let it sit for about 20 minutes. After that time frame, I found the food was ready to eat and actually was pretty good! While still not something you would find in a 5-star restaurant, I still thought it was absolutely delicious! It would definitely be something that would be an `emergency favorite.`
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