Custom Woven Lanyards feature a classic, finished look, befitting their construction. Instead of silk screen printing, we create your design or logo by weaving thread into the lanyard nylon, using a process similar to embroidery. This process allows a finer finish than screen printing. Simple text messages look terrific in this style. More intricate messages or logos may be illegible in this style, due to the physical limitations of the production process.
Just briefly browsing the site I was able to find some nice woven lanyards that start off at just 50¢ each! That is such a great price to either promote your brand or to make lanyards to re-sell for your business. The lanyards I received, as you can see in the above photo, were very nice quality. The stitching/sewing work was nicely done without any loose threads. I love that I am able to clearly read the lanyards as well as tell when the image is on them. Personally, I prefer the clip designed hook at the end because it makes it so much easier to attach an ID tag or such, however, the key ring is a nicer option if you choose to use your lanyard for your keys.
The website itself it pretty clean cut and easy to navigate. Just briefly browsing around I was able to clearly find the products they have to offer as well as their pricing. I love the fact I can clearly see their pricing, as well, without having to call or email. To me, if I have to call, register, or email for a price - I will just leave the site and assume they are too expensive. You only need to call if your order is more than 10,000 in quantity, but that means the number will be lower since you are ordering more. In such a case, I wouldn't mind calling to see what sort of deal could be made.
Ultimately, it's a great site. It's a clean cute site and easy to place an order. The product itself is very nice quality and well worth the investment in my opinion!
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