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When it comes to buying a new home or simply evaluating your current home, pests are something that you have to take into account. Unwanted pests can lead to many problems that can develop into expensive damage if left untreated. Plus, we're sure you don't like the idea of sharing your home with unwanted pests. To help identify if you have pest problems, here are six DIY house pet inspection tips to follow.
Know The Signs Of Infestation
When you first start assessing your property for potential infestation, you should have a clear idea of what to look for. Some common signs of infestation include dirt mounds on the lawn, nesting materials near the home, animal feces, and chewed wood. These are all necessary indications that can let you know that an infestation is present within the property. Be sure to notate any areas that you find so that you can better assess them after you evaluate the whole property.
Identify Entry Points
If you've notated that there is an infestation inside of the home, you need to be able to determine where the entry point is. This way, you can close up that entry point so that future infestations are avoided. Usually finding this entry point isn't too difficult as there is typically a trail of feces or the infestation sight is near the entryway. However, if you're having trouble identifying where the entry point is, you can always have Your Building Inspector Sunshine Coast Building Inspections performed to find out. They'll be able to tell you where all the infestations are at and where the intruding pests are entering your home.
Notate The Main Travel Paths
Before you can apply any sort of effective pest control treatment, you'll need to understand the main travel paths that the pests are using. Otherwise, more and more pests will just keep entering your home uninvited. When it comes to rodents, you'll find that they typically take the same travel path from various areas in your home to their newly created den. This travel path will be away from open areas and typically they'll run along walls. You should be able to identify disturbed flooring and/or feces left behind by the rodents. Just take a moment to really look at the whole picture and we're sure you'll be able to identify these key travel routes the pests are utilizing each day.
Assess Your Yard Conditions
A vital part of your pest inspection should be walking around your yard to look for potentially hazardous items that can foster infestation. Common things to look for include tall brush or grass, mulch or pine needles against your foundation, standing water, and large piles of leaves or grass clippings. All these places are a great place for pests to call home. Removing these problems can help to prevent unwanted pests from entering the property.
Don't Forget To Check Your Attic
If you've ever had mice, you know that your attic is where they call home. Therefore, you want to crawl up to your attic and take a peek. It's common to skip over this area on your initial inspection as crawling around in the attic is not very much fun. But, it's a necessity during a pest inspection. See if there are any signs of pest infestation. This is usually visible by feces and unsettled insulation. You'll also want to assess the attic for gaps that can allow creatures into your home.
Take Precautionary Measures
You don't have to wait for a pest infestation to arise. Rather, you can take precautionary steps to help ensure that your home stays free from pests. You should assess the exterior of your home for potential entry points. Each home is going to be slightly different. However, there are some common areas to look for including chimneys and crawl spaces. Install a chimney cap and block off crawl spaces with a mesh cloth to keep unwanted rodents out.
Inspecting your home for pests is something that you should do on a quarterly basis. This is to ensure that you catch any sort of infestations early on before they cause major damage. By following the six tips above, you'll be sure to perform a thorough pest inspection of your home each and every time.
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