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Most pets in Brisbane can ruin a carpet in a variety of ways. However, the biggest problem that causes stress among pet owners is a urine stain because it can make a carpet appear unappealing, and it also emits an unpleasant odor throughout a home. In this guide, you'll learn how to get rid of urine stains using seven carpet cleaning strategies.

Make a Vinegar and Water Cleaning Solution

There are many pet products that can effectively remove strong odors and harsh stains. If you want to save money, you can make your own solution by mixing vinegar and water in a bottle. Vinegar is the key ingredient in this formula as it can cleanse a carpet efficiently without leaving traces of residue behind. Also, as vinegar soaks a urine stain, it gradually neutralizes the ammonia, which is what causes a foul odor.

Clean All Urine Stains Quickly

Immediately after you discover a urine stain, grab your vinegar-based cleaner, and treat the spot thoroughly. If the urine stays on the carpet too long, the process of eliminating the scent will be tougher because most of the urine particles with sink underneath the carpet fibers. Immediate cleaning also reduces the risk of discoloration. A carpet changes colors when the alkaline in urine bleaches its fibers.

Don't Rub Urine Stains

Urine stains will continue to emit strong odors if they're not cleaned properly. Many people rub a urine stain, which is a problem because rubbing moves the urine to other areas on a carpet. Blotting is the best way to get rid of this type of stain and its residue as this technique absorbs the liquid instead of spreading it. You can soak up light or heavy urine stains in no time if you use thick paper towels.

Never Steam Clean Urine Stains

Although a steam cleaner can destroy general stains, it's not the best cleaning tool for a urine stain. The problem is that a steaming device produces high heat, and as hot air circulates over and around a urine stain, it can bind the protein onto the carpet fibers. This means that you'll trap a strong scent if you treat a urine stain with a powerful steam cleaner. If you need to deep clean your entire carpet with hot water and shampoo for other reasons, treat all urine stains with vinegar and water first.

Use Baking Soda to Eliminate Strong Urine Odors

Baking soda can treat urine scents that linger on a carpet. To use it, gradually sprinkle the powder on a stain after your vinegar-based solution has dried. The baking soda has to penetrate the carpet, so you'll have to rub it on the fibers to activate its odor-fighting properties. For this job, use an old toothbrush because its bristles will help the baking soda adhere to the carpet fibers.
Typically, baking soda needs to stay on a carpet for at least 15 minutes. Then, you can extract it off the carpet with a vacuum.

Pinpoint Old Urine Stains With a Black Light

Because pets roam around a home, you could have problems finding the source of some urine odors. In this situations, you can pinpoint stains that you've missed with a black light.
This device can only detect a stain while a room is dark, so you must close all curtains before you start searching for urine spots. When you find a stain, an area on your carpet will glow. At this point, you can clean the spot while the lights are off or on. If you clean the spot in the dark while the black light is on, you'll know exactly when all residue is removed.

Rinse the Carpet Following Every Treatment With a Chemical-Based Solution

Whenever you use a cleaning solution that contains bleach, chlorine, or other chemicals, always rinse the treated area thoroughly with fresh water. This strategy will help you eliminate any excess cleaning solution that could harm your pet.
For this task, you'll need warm tap water in a spray bottle. Begin by spraying the water on the area that was treated with the cleaning solution. After most of the water is absorbed, soak up the linger liquid with a towel.
These strategies can help you protect and preserve a carpet in a home that has pets. For complicated stains, you may need professional carpet cleaning Brisbane.
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