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Bed Bug Spray
Having pest problems? Give this spray a try! 
100% EFFECTIVE BUG SPRAY – 3rd party tested by a separate entomological entity to assure you will get rid of pests entirely when using product according to label directions. The American Academy of Entomologists field study confirms Green Bean Buddy, Bug Killer had a 100% kill rates of pests within initial application for a period of twelve (12) month study period.
12 MONTH STUDY BY AMERICAN ACADEMY ENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCES – Real world field test was done using My Cleaning Products, bug killer in a multi-story government maintained historical museum and multi-room hospitality facility eradicating pests for a subsequent period of (12) months using this residual formulation.
ELIMINATES PESTS IN ALL STAGES INCLUDING RESISTANT PESTS – Naturally derived formula bio-engineered to kill adults, nymphs bed bugs, dust mites, roaches, fleas, ticks, ants, mites, aphids, gnats, and other pests similar to the genetic makeup when used according to label directions.
DRY RESIDUAL PREVENTION – The bio-engineered formula provides residual protection to help continually protect spray areas from pests. Creates a barrier which continues to attack the pests without causing any harm to humans, plants of animals. The residual treatment has been tested and verified by AAES(Academy of Entomological Sciences) in which the field was successful killing agent during the (12) month testing period in a multi-story museum and hospitality facility.
SAFE, NO ODOR AND ECO-FRIENDLY – A child safe and pet safe bio-based pesticide, safe to use on mattresses, furniture, guest rooms, pet beds, and most surfaces without worrying about staining or harmful odors.
TREATMENT WHILE YOU SLEEP – During the Entomological real world field test the dry residual provided extended protection from pests and bites for a period of (12) months.
ENHANCED ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY THAT INFUSES WELLNESS – Our Mission is to infuse wellness into your life using ancient remedies discovered by the CEO’s research visiting remote cultures around the globe and sharing these natural remedies with you.
GREEN BEAN BUDDY™ Bug Killer is an all-in-one pest control treatment certified by the American Academy of Entomological Sciences (AAES) using a 12 month real world field study involving a multi-story museum and health facility. The naturally formulated bug killer kills bed bugs, fleas, ticks, roaches, ants, millipedes, silverfish, carpet beetles, spider mites, aphids, beetles, centipedes, stink bugs, gnats, spiders and prevents future infestations for up to 30 days. This formulation is already being used by numerous hotels, hospitals, resorts, and pest management companies. 
EASY TO USE – The treatment works in just 5 – 10 minutes upon first application. Simply spray My Cleaning Products™ Bug Killer, wait, and let settle. Watch as pests either scatter from their hiding locations or die within the first treatment. Pest control management professionals use this exact formula to reduce labor costs and increase extermination success rates.
This product has not been registered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Green Bean Buddy LLC represents that this product qualifies for exemption from registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act.
RETURNS – We always strive to be upfront and honest with our customers. We accept returns for unopened and unused products. Since this is a consumable item, we do not accept empty or entirely used products. Please be advised returns must be requested within 30 days of your purchase date. 
BONUS: Check out these other cleaning products on sale while you are here and save some money!

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