Have you ever considered starting your own hospitality business? No, really. It’s a serious question. So many people are taking advantage of traveling these days that I personally think it would be a great concept to consider. I mean, it doesn’t have to be a hotel necessarily, but maybe an Air B&B or something that would accommodate those traveling through your location.
For me, I love the idea, but the problem is trying to figure out how to run things, where to store merchandise, getting things installed, etc. It just seems like a lot to need to handle – which it is, but for someone with no experience, it could be overwhelming.
One thing you could do is consider using a service such as
BCI Worldwide. BCI Worldwide is your one-stop-shop for all things related to Hospitality Logistics and is able to handle all of your loose items from vendor to site, including: shipping, warehousing, project management, furniture assembly, and final installation. From what I saw, their project managers stay on-site for the duration of the project while utilizing their years of experience and technology platform to be proactive and plan ahead to avoid delays. They also organize all activities on-site, from deliveries to finalizing the set of the room. It seems like a good idea to me – even if you are a professional just to make things a tad bit easier if you choose to go into the hospitality industry.
Another option to consider is maybe opening up a car rental service (or if you really want to get fancy include it with your hotel type of business). So many people travel by using rental cars to avoid the wear and tear of their own vehicles. Of course, some simply use other methods of transportation, such as flying, and need a vehicle to use while they visit the area.
NOTE: For those of you who live in the Florida area, if you are engaged as a Used Motor Vehicle Dealer in the State of Florida, you are required by the Florida Division of Motor Vehicles to execute a Florida Motor Vehicle Dealer License Bond to ensure compliance with Section 320.27 of the Florida Statutes. You can find out more about this here:
Whether if starting a hospitality business is right for you or not, the fact of the matter is that it can definitely bring in some extra funds into your household thus improving your way of living. For some, traveling is enough for them. Either way, I found
3 Dramatic Ways You Can Improve Your Life if you are interested –
learn more.
Feel free to share your own advice below!