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I thought I was excited about this box, however, it seems that Scooby is way more excited over this box than I was! 
For those who don't know, BoxDog is a seasonal delivery of 6-8 premium products for dogs, including 100% handmade bakery treats, vegan skincare items and unique toys, gear, and gadgets that you won't find in stores. They design and create products that bring health & happiness to both you and your dog(s) - and deliver them right to your door. You and your dog decide what premium items go into the box each season. Every dog box that is delivered is filled with 100% handmade dog treats. Their dog cookies are made by their own BoxDog chefs, in the USA. They roll, cut, frost and sprinkle every cookie by hand. Their cookies smell so good, with that "fresh out of the oven smell" that dogs go crazy for. Their cookies are so pure, you can eat them too (and we have)! 
Additionally, they include a Vegan skincare product in the box as well. Most of the dog skincare available is full of chemicals and tested on animals - it's so hard to know the truth! So BoxDog decided to create its own line of products that are safely tested, vegan and super gentle. Every product we create is both vegan and cruelty-free. In each box, they bring you essential products like nose balm, paw balm, shampoo and hot items like CBD oil. 
Plus, you can't forget the toy!  Each box should be a unique experience that you and dog can have together - totally different from the last! You know your dog best. Does he or she love to throw parties and have dog friends over, go for walks, or collect toys in a pile? They've got you covered! BoxDog started making dog toys, gear & gadgets so that they could offer choices that work for every dog and their owner. Each season they craft an array of choices for you and your dog. Fun seasonal toys, toys for tough chewers, unique gadgets, clothing, leashes, costumes - you name it. All of their items are made by BoxDog or a partnership with a brand that has an incredible product.  
I was sent a box for us to check out with Scooby. The box was large in size and came with a nice variety of treats. We received 4 different treats, some paw butter, and two toys/gift options (of our choosing) for Scooby to check out. I opted for the Morning Roaster Toy and the Grinch Gift Set.
I wasn't sure what Scooby would think, but I was pleasantly surprised by her reaction! One by one I took everything out the box, but immediately noticed the ingredients listed on the dog treats packages. They contained regular ingredients such as flour, honey, vegetable oil, vanilla, yogurt frosting, whole wheat flour, cornmeal, eggs, apples, corn oil, parsley, cinnamon, etc. Each item was different, but each was labeled. I loved that the ingredients were limited as well and all were things I have heard of! No odd chemicals or long fancy names of dangerous ingredients.
Besides looking absolutely delicious, the ingredients sounded pretty good too. So, of course, I had to taste test. I took a little nibble and must admit, they look a lot better than they taste. They're hard and a very plain flavor, in my opinion. I even let the kids give a little nibble. They were not impressed and their faces were hilarious - especially knowing they tried a dog treat! With that being said, though, Scooby went to town like a little pig with her treats! She laid down wagging her tail like crazy trying to decide which one she wanted to eat since I gave her a couple of options. After a while, I went to check-in and all her treats were gone! She devoured them! 
Once she had napped and recovered from her binge-snacking I heard the squeaking... She was walking around carrying the Grinch toy she had gotten ready to play. A few tosses and she was happy and eventually carried it to where she would go sleep/rest. This routine continued on. Even today as I was getting some household chores and blogging done, I heard the squeaking once again. She was walking around with her Grinch toy. I'd have to assume that she found a favorite.
While she doesn't really care too much about the morning roaster toy, I have to say this box was a HUGE hit for Scooby! She loved each of the treats in the box and loved getting a new toy! The treats are made of high-quality ingredients while the toys were made using quality materials. Needless to say, not only was I impressed, but Scooby was overjoyed. Her reaction is honestly the only one that counts. Being the picky eater that she is, Scooby highly recommends this box. Her only complaint is not getting more treats and being limited to how many she gets (It's for her own good though! I promise).
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5 years ago
I really like your blog.. very nice colors & theme. Good review too.
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