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Are you looking for a dependable dish and surface cleaning scrub that is also eco-friendly? Have you tried similar products in the past and were disappointed? Would you opt for a superior quality scrub that will make your life easier without costing you a fortune? If that’s the case, then you are in great luck, because Paperless Kitchen has exactly the thing you’re looking for! 
I recently discovered the Paperless Kitchen Set of 4 Premium Dish Wash Scrubs and the Paperless Kitchen Cleaning Cloth this week while doing my regular household chores. 
The Dish Wash Scrubs are amazing scrubbing pads that are coated with a non-toxic hardener, which gives it a stiff, strong surface that can get rid of all kinds of stubborn messes. It has the ideal texture for loosening grime that is baked-on, burned-on, or for removing oil and food stains from various kitchen surfaces and appliances! Although it is powerful, it is safe for use on virtually any surface; your bathroom sink, your ceramic cooktop, or the bug bits off your windshield; in fact, it can even be used to clean fruits and vegetables! 
Most scouring pads in the market are not only potentially harmful to many surfaces; they are also mostly made of plastic or metal, aren’t eco-friendly, and many of them contain toxic additives. Why keep on using them, when you can go green with the Paperless Kitchen 100% sustainable, environmentally-friendly, made of cotton fiber Paperless Kitchen scrub? I’ve had these for about a week or so and thus far they have been fabulous at completely removing old coffee stains in my ceramic (and plastic)mugs, scrubbing stuck-on food from my cutting boards, and cleaning days of grime from stainless and porcelain sinks. They even clean my cast iron pan without even scratching it - ever! One downside to these is that the sponges do get pretty icky pretty fast. Luckily, these are washable as well as super durable.
The Paperless Kitchen cleaning clothes are next-level eco-friendliness for your kitchen! You can get all your cleaning done with a good conscience when you add reusable cellulose sponge cloths to your kitchen cleaning supplies and accessories. Single-use paper towels add over 3,000 tons of waste to landfills each year. Paperless Kitchen Cleaning Cloths not only save trees and reduce landfill waste, but they save you money versus paper towel rolls. Made of cotton fiber and plant-based cellulose, a single sponge cloth replaces 15 rolls of paper towels. Think of them as reusable paper towels that are easy on the planet and on your household budget. Paperless Kitchen Cleaning Cloths are 100% biodegradable and compostable when they've reached the end of their life cycle. By eliminating your family's reliance on paper towels, you are helping to save up to 554,000 trees per year, and you're minimizing your household's contribution to the more than 6 million tons of waste that they comprise. That's better for the planet and easier on your bottom line.
These heavy-duty cleaning sponges take the place of your kitchen towels and dishcloths with their ultra-absorbent capacity to hold up to 15X their weight in liquid. They clean dirty dishes and silverware, dry off damp countertops and soak up food spills with speed and efficiency. They're suitable for use all-around your home, too. Use them to dust furniture, clean bathroom fixtures and make your car interior look like new. A cycle in your washing machine or dishwasher restores them to pristine condition.
I find these cloths strong enough to clean a variety of things besides just the dishes, and I love that they can be washed and used several times over before composting them. They are lightweight and the fact that I can make a small difference in the environment by using them means a lot to my family as well as myself. Not to mention they actually work very well; better than expected if I'm being completely honest!
Overall, both products are definitely a great addition to our regular cleaning and make a great resource for those living the "green" lifestyle!
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